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HP Fortify with RQM

Ruben Sousa (065) | asked Sep 13 '11, 4:04 p.m.
Hi all,

a large logistics german company wishes to automatically trigger and control their tests with HP Fortify using RQM.

Have anyone donde something similar to this?

Is this a scenario which could be implemented with the current tool capabilities?

Thanks in advance for any information in this regard.



10 answers

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Sep 14 '11, 1:31 p.m.
I am not sure about the HP Fortify, but there exist solution to fire test on HP QTP and Load Runner.

-|- Pramod

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Sanjay Sutar (46256) | answered Sep 15 '11, 6:49 a.m.
As Pramod stated, QTP and LR execution adapter helps you to;
1. Import the referenced of already developed QTP test scripts or LR scenarios into RQM and
2. Execute them from RQM and view the result.
These adapters are built for the QTP and LR only
Could you please elaborate more on your use case? What exactly you expect to be done with RQM and HP Fortify.

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Mahendar Somasundaram (2611) | answered Sep 16 '11, 5:23 a.m.
As Pramod stated, QTP and LR execution adapter helps you to;
1. Import the referenced of already developed QTP test scripts or LR scenarios into RQM and
2. Execute them from RQM and view the result.
These adapters are built for the QTP and LR only
Could you please elaborate more on your use case? What exactly you expect to be done with RQM and HP Fortify.

Hi Sanjay & Pramod,
My organization is planning to migrate from HP QC to RQM. We have some QTP scripts that we will still have to run once we move to RQM. I'm trying to figure out how to accompolish this. From your posts above I understood that there is an outright method to do this using the QTP Adapter that comes along with RQM(?).
I tried installing RQM 2_0_1_1 trial version to figure out how this whole thing works. I have the following questions:

(*) I'm not sure if the QTP adatper for RQM needs to be installed separately or if this comes along with the RQM install itself.

(*) Is there any documentation on how to use this adapter?

(*) In your post above you have said "Import the QTP script in RQM", but I dont see any option related to QTP or LR in the Import drop down. I see only Functional Tester, Service Test, Performance Test, Robot, Rational Test Realtime and Command Line in the script type drop down. If possible can you please give further details on how to import and kick off an QTP script from RQM?


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Mahendar Somasundaram (2611) | answered Sep 16 '11, 9:50 a.m.
I figured out most part of whatever I had asked in my earlier post, now I'm hit with the following issue:
I created an archive (.zip) of the QTP script and imported it within RQM. When I run it, I get a message "Downloading shared scripts into local temp directory..." in the Adapter console window and I donot see any progress beyond this point.

Any idea?


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Sanjay Sutar (46256) | answered Sep 19 '11, 1:35 a.m.
Hi Mahendar,
I am assuming that you have installed the adapter on the machine where your QTP product is installed (and hence all your QTP script exists on that machine).
With this in mind, all the QTP script on the "Adapter machine" will be treated as local script (the option you choose while creating script).
If you have the QTP scripts on some other machine and you want to execute them then you have to choose the "shared script" option and follow the steps to create the zip archive as given in help.

So zip archive is needed only if you want to execute the QTP script from other machine (than the adapter install host machine). The adapter just downloads the zip to temp folder and execute it there.

Please check this and let me know how it goes.

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Mahendar Somasundaram (2611) | answered Sep 20 '11, 2:23 a.m.
Hi Sanjay,

Thanks much. The local script option worked fine. The possible issue when I tried using the shared script option could be that I was having the script shared at a location in the adapter machine and the adapter was trying to copy that to the temp of the same machine. Even though there is no reason why this should error out, I guess this could be one issue. I will have these two in two different machines and check it out.

Thanks again for your time.


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Mahendar Somasundaram (2611) | answered Nov 11 '11, 6:33 a.m.
Hi Sanjay,
When I use the "shared script" option and point the test script to a zipped QTP script, I get the following error:

Status:: Execution completed with Error(s) : Execution skipped due to invalid QTP Test Script.TestScript does not contain a valid QTP Script
Elapsed Time (in milliseconds):: 1313

However I'm able to successfully run the script from QTP directly.
Any idea?


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Sanjay Sutar (46256) | answered Nov 11 '11, 8:23 a.m.
Hi Mahendar,
Please check if the QTP script zip is extracted properly.
I had faced this issue and in my case when the zip file conatined one more folder by the same name so when extracted it created nested folder and adapter was not able to find the QTP related files.

For example, when I tried to run QTP script "", it was extracted as "<Temp>\MyUITest\MyUITest\" and adapter was expecting "<Temp>\MyUITest". I checked the zip file and it was showing folder inside it. I corrected it and it worked.


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Mahendar Somasundaram (2611) | answered Nov 11 '11, 9:09 a.m.

Is it required that the "shared script" be stored in RQM somewhere?

I was under the impression that I can have a script shared in a remote File system and create a reference in RQM as a "Shared script". I just now took a look at the RQM-QTP adapter console and saw this:

Downloading shared scripts into local temp directory...
Shared resource URL: https://localhost:9443/jazz/secure/service/\\testmachine01\QuickTest Professional\

where \\testmachine01\QuickTest Professional\ is the path of the shared script.

BTW, I checked my .zip file to see if it has got any folders and it does not. Also I think the adapter is doing a clean up of the extracted folder in the temp location that it is creating as I was not able to locate the extracted folder in the temp location and saw the following in the adapter console:

Downloaded shared QTP Test Script.
Extracting the downloaded script ZIP file into temp directory...
Extracted the downloaded script ZIP file.
Actual Testscript path C:\DOCUME~1\user1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sampletest1
Downloaded ZIP does not contain valid QTP script, terminating exceution...
Execution completed with Error(s) : Execution skipped due to invalid QTP Test Script.TestScript does not contain a valid QTP Script
Extracted TestScript Folder deleted :true

So I really am not sure what is getting downloaded and extracted into the temp location. Do you know if the clean-up could be set to false?



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Sanjay Sutar (46256) | answered Nov 15 '11, 4:51 a.m.
If you are sure that you have valid QTP script then I think only thing that might go wrong is extraction. Can you check if the extraction is not failing... i.e. the adapter has appropriate permission to temp folder or there is enough space etc.. I think adapter should catch any issues in extraction but no harm in checking it.

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