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How to use include file and image element to fetch file attachment data in RPE from RQM?

ataul gani (21113) | asked Dec 18 '16, 9:07 a.m.
edited Dec 18 '16, 1:15 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
 HI Guys,
I am trying to get the file attachment in RPE from RQM. I am able to get the [href,filename, size] etc properties of a attachment file through the attachment feed data source. In addition to that , I have added 'include file' element in my template and set it to 'physical embedding', set the data source to main feed and set the query to stepAttachment href. when i run it  , i just get the href  value as an output  of that step attached files(.png, .txt, .doc) instead of getting the file content. I really appreciate for any effective answer .

Geoffrey Clemm commented Dec 18 '16, 1:14 p.m.

Try to keep your keywords relevant.   For example, this post is about RPE and RQM (and is not about rational-team-concert or rational-requirements-composer).

ataul gani commented Dec 18 '16, 6:09 p.m.

 Thanks. I would definitely follow it next time.

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Dec 18 '16, 12:56 p.m.
For the "Include FIle" element, upon selecting Including type as 'physical embedding', the content of the specified file is physically embedded in the generated output and upon selecting 'dynamic link', a link to the specified file is created in the generated output. You can refer the tool tip shown in Properties view.
Note that you can insert only Word /RTF document in RPE output by using Include File element and Image files using Image element. However, if you have other attachments (.xls, .pdf, etc.), you can only display Hyperlinks to the attachment in the output.
As a workaround, you can download the RQM attachments to local path using RQMURLUtility during document generation and then embed them as OLE in Word output. This es explained in
ataul gani selected this answer as the correct answer

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Dec 18 '16, 12:58 p.m.

Note: If you find the answer correct, you may accept the answer. Otherwise I will check  this further and respond again.

ataul gani commented Dec 18 '16, 6:08 p.m.
Thanks a lot for your reply. Do you have any template example where i can see how to physically embed in include file element in RPE and then during document generation it is included in the word output as OLE. Once again, Thank you so much.

ataul gani commented Dec 18 '16, 8:11 p.m.
Thanks a lot for your reply. (a) Can RPE  put the attached word file content From RQM as an OLE object in the 'include file' element in my template other than downloading the file  separately or import it manually during file generation by it and without using the RQMUrlUtility.
(b) Right now, I have access to the attachment href location and when i put that as query to attached file content in RQM in 'include file' element , it just end up showing the href values instead of file content being produced as an 'OLE object'.

(c) I downloaded the RQMUrlUtitlity and followed the tutorial 'OLE' provided here but after the report generator runs, files downloaded separately and try to access it by 'CTRL+click" on the link in the generated output, i get message saying 'cannot Open the specifed file'.
I really appreciate your effort to help me.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Dec 19 '16, 12:58 a.m.

(a) Can RPE  put the attached word file content From RQM as an OLE object in the 'include file' element in my template other than downloading the file  separately or import it manually during file generation by it and without using the RQMUrlUtility.
Ans: If you are using "Include File" element, the word file cannot be included as OLE. Either the content of included file will be physically embedded OR a hyperlink to the file (which is copied to the output ref folder) will be displayed. Only option to have OLE is to use macro.
b) That is expected.
c) Please refer the blog and you can find the related files in the attachment.

ataul gani commented Dec 19 '16, 11:33 a.m. | edited Dec 19 '16, 11:34 a.m.

  Thanks a lot for your answer. We would like to physically embed the attachment content through automatic process into RPE. Could you help us how we can achieve this? once agin, I appreciate your help.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Dec 19 '16, 12:22 p.m.

Seems like the attachment in the blog does not contain the macro. I will provide the macro that will embed (any) attachments into the Word output.

ataul gani commented Dec 19 '16, 7:02 p.m. | edited Dec 19 '16, 7:05 p.m.

  Thanks again for replying me. I implemented the Macro and three attachments downloaded from RQM to RPE but i could just open one of them not the other two. Then i emailed the generated RPE report to one of the user but he could not open any of those three attachments with message showing "Cannot open the specified file" . I  would appreciate your help regarding this.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Dec 21 '16, 11:51 a.m.

Please confirm if the files are downloaded in the local path. Refer the sample macro in the zip file ( using which you can embed them as OLE. Once it is done, other users (using different machine) should be able to open them.

ataul gani commented Dec 22 '16, 10:22 a.m. | edited Dec 22 '16, 10:25 a.m.

 Hi Prasad,

I  owe you billion time 'thanks'. Yes, the files are getting downloaded in the local path and also macro is doing its job to create OLE as expected. Now, I will upload this template in RQM to create custom report for our team. Once again, talk to you later on as technical challenges always come back . Lol!!.

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