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Not able to see "Source Control " folder

mehul Prajapati (18125554) | asked Sep 13 '11, 11:37 a.m.

I am not able to see the "Source Control" folder under the project area. I am doing it manually an not through team invitation am i missing some permission ? I can only see "Build" "Plans" "Reports" folder. Do we need to give the user the permission so that he can see this Source Control folder ?

3 answers

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mehul Prajapati (18125554) | answered Sep 15 '11, 2:53 p.m.
I do not know what was wrong but the user was working on windows vista machine.

When i tried to login with that user on my win xp machine i was able to see the source control folder.

I did a login with my id on user machine and source control folder showed up. Than i logged out and logged in with the user id and all was well

Do not know if this is a OS related issue.

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Sep 15 '11, 3:57 p.m.

I am not able to see the "Source Control" folder under the project area. I am doing it manually an not through team invitation am i missing some permission ? I can only see "Build" "Plans" "Reports" folder. Do we need to give the user the permission so that he can see this Source Control folder ?

I saw this before. I think maybe you didn't assign a Jazz license to him.


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Karthik Krishnan (8898121163) | answered Jan 20 '12, 11:11 a.m.

I am not able to see the "Source Control" folder under the project area. I am doing it manually an not through team invitation am i missing some permission ? I can only see "Build" "Plans" "Reports" folder. Do we need to give the user the permission so that he can see this Source Control folder ?

I guess you do not have "Developer" license assigned against your name

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