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How to create baselines for past changesets?

Martin Pauly (632) | asked Sep 12 '11, 2:59 a.m.

we're in the process of migrating our source code from subversion to RTC and also need to understand the new baseline procedures in RTC much better.

As we understood so far a baseline can be compared to a SVN tag - however in SVN we were able to create a tag on every revision that had been checked in in the past; this does not seem to work with RTC?

It seems all I can do is create a baseline on the latest state of a component?


3 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Sep 12 '11, 6:02 a.m.

we're in the process of migrating our source code from subversion to RTC and also need to understand the new baseline procedures in RTC much better.

As we understood so far a baseline can be compared to a SVN tag - however in SVN we were able to create a tag on every revision that had been checked in in the past; this does not seem to work with RTC?

It seems all I can do is create a baseline on the latest state of a component?


Hi Martin

So in RTC, a baseline is a version of the component only. I think you are after a Snapshot - this is a "baseline" of all the components - is that what you are after (apologies if I have misunderstood the question)


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Martin Pauly (632) | answered Sep 12 '11, 6:06 a.m.

So in RTC, a baseline is a version of the component only. I think you are after a Snapshot - this is a "baseline" of all the components - is that what you are after (apologies if I have misunderstood the question)

Hi Anthony,

no - I really want to have a tag for a specific component I can use to diff, branch, get back to etc.
I believe that a baseline is the right thing to use - however when we migrated from SVN to RTC we had some revisions I would like to baseline afterwards and I don't know how...


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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 12 '11, 9:20 a.m.
You can create a workspace with the component and discard change sets until the component is at the state you want to baseline. So you could select and discard change sets to get to where you would want your most recent baseline, create the baseline, then proceed to discard to the point of your next baseline. You would go back in history to reach significant points that you want to baseline.

You can refer to the Importing data from Subversion article the next time you perform an import. The importer can create baselines when it sees a branch or tag.

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