What reasons does lscm give exit code 48?

Hi. . . I just got this in my build output:
executing /opt/jazz/scmtools/eclipse/lscm create snapshot -r "rtchandler" -n "buildhpmbep201406ap-HP MBE P 2014 06 AP SNAP 20140610PST0847" -d "Target stream snapshot for HP MBE P 2014 06 AP SNAP 20140610PST0847" "Build HP MBE P 2014 06 AP"
Result code: 48
That exit code from the documentation says:
Indicates that a server state mismatch has been detected. This can happen when we try to connect to the server from a daemon which has been active through the server rename process.
I'm not sure what that means, exactly. Can anyone provide any plain-English explanation of what causes result code 48?