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Problem with a custom report on eclipse ide and birt

Marcelo Jaeggi (133) | asked Sep 08 '11, 11:13 a.m.
I am using RTC 3.0, and the eclipse IDE with BIRT for reporting.

I am developing a report that considers the historical changes of a set of stories. I created a data set to the table WC_STRING_EXT from the Work Items Snapshot.
The problem is that when a story is assigned to archived user, the data set does not return information about that story. So I created another data set with a parameter indicating to return the stories assigned to a archived user.
This data set does not return the historical information about the story but only returns one record about the story, and this record have the story points set in zero.
Can anyone tell me how I can do to get back the historic data of the stories ?
Thank you very much

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