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SVN import with duplicate branch name

W Ye (26107) | asked Aug 31 '11, 4:15 p.m.
In my SVN repository, there are several branches having the same URL. The history is at the first time, a branch was created with URL https://<server>/branch/branch_a, then later, this branch was deleted and the same URL was used to create branch_a from a different revision.

Now I am doing the import from SVN to RTC. It seems the RTC is picking up the branch from the first revision. How to make it use the second one?

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Sep 01 '11, 8:55 a.m.
You're not going to be able to get the importer to create a baseline at the second branch point. However, if you know the revision at which the branch was created, you could import up to that revision and then import the branch on top of that. Another option, if you already have an import, is to duplicate the workspace and discard all change sets after the revision and then import the branch into that.

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