How to force mandatory parent upon Work Item Saving?
3 answers
We would like to create a work item type called "Coding Task". And for each coding task, its linked parent must be a "Story" task (mandatory). How can we enforce such validation? Thank you.
One way to do it is creating an advisor. See this article:
We would like to create a work item type called "Coding Task". And for each coding task, its linked parent must be a "Story" task (mandatory). How can we enforce such validation? Thank you.
One way to do it is creating an advisor. See this article:
So is there any out-of-the-box setting or work around if I could not create an advisor?
Not that I would be aware of.
We are having a similar requirement - we want to allow creation of task only if it has some parent link.
I read in another thread a suggestion to add custom attribute of WI - which i did.
So i am fine with this solution, since they i can configure it as required attribute,
But the open question is: how can i automatically upon save - add a link to parent according to the value of the custom attribute "Parent"?
i hoped some java script can do that or i must have a participant for this? (then i can have instead of this all workaround an advisor like you suggested earlier, just trying to save the plug in development)