JTS/CCM DBs: Planning for growth?

For some customers, it's important to plan for growth: understanding how big the JTS will get in relation to the CCM DB, DW DB size, etc.
From what I understand, the JTS stores app server metadata and user information - would 5GB be a safe bet for it?
The 3.0.1 sizing guidelines state 60GB DB size across the board - this is too vague for some customers.
Any clarifications around this topic would be greatly appreciated.
For some customers, it's important to plan for growth: understanding how big the JTS will get in relation to the CCM DB, DW DB size, etc.
From what I understand, the JTS stores app server metadata and user information - would 5GB be a safe bet for it?
The 3.0.1 sizing guidelines state 60GB DB size across the board - this is too vague for some customers.
Any clarifications around this topic would be greatly appreciated.