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RTC 3.0.1 - Work Item approvers - must all approve?

Donald Poulin (2249119107) | asked Aug 11 '11, 10:47 a.m.
If I have 5 users listed as approvers on a work item must all 5 say approved in order for the wok item to be in the "Approved" state or can I optionally say as long as at least one of the 5 approves then the work item is approved.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 11 '11, 3:54 p.m.

the conditions provided out of the box work on the cumulative approval, which is approved as soon as all approve. It would be possible to write custom preconditions (e.g. to coordinate SCM operations) that work different. See the RTC Extensoins Worshop in the library.

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