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Component, stream, baseline and snapshot names allow duplica

N Z (36212127) | asked Aug 09 '11, 1:04 a.m.
We were playing around with RTC ( and 3.0.1) and were surprised to discover that you can create streams, components, baselines and snapshot names that are not unique (i.e. duplicates).

I can't really understand why this would be allowed, and it could certainly result in a lot of confustion. Is there a way to enforce uniqueness?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 09 '11, 8:10 a.m.
We were playing around with RTC ( and 3.0.1) and were surprised to discover that you can create streams, components, baselines and snapshot names that are not unique (i.e. duplicates).

I can't really understand why this would be allowed, and it could certainly result in a lot of confustion. Is there a way to enforce uniqueness?


the names are not the identifiers, therefore the application does not need the human readable name to identify the object.

However, for components which are more likely created the CCM advanced server properties provide this property: "Encourage component names to be unique.", which will help avoiding duplicate display names. There s nothing for the streams and workspaces. Also a unique name would not help much, I believe. It is in every-bodies interest to pick a useful name.

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N Z (36212127) | answered Aug 10 '11, 9:25 p.m.
Hi Ralph,

Thanks for the response.

We've discussed this here, and we can't think of any situation in which we would want duplicate names for any object to occur. If someone did need it, then it would be better that it was explicitly allowed for a given object.

I guess this was by design, and not a defect, but we'll raise an enhancement request to at least allow some control over this.


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