About Me viewlet project hyperlink not working
RQM2.0.1.1 iFix3 The "About Me" viewlet on the Dashboard, when selecting the Project hyperlink, the Project Dashboard is not displayed. When hovering over the Project hyperlink the correct url is displayed i.e. "https://servername:9443/jazz/web/projects/Project%Name#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard", but the page RQM tries to open is "https://servername:9443/jazz/web/projects/Project%Name". It has cut off the action and therfore can't find the project dashboard?
When the page can't be found the user is returned to their project dashboard.
When entering the url address manually, the correct project dashboard is displayed, so the hyperlink address is correct, its just when selecting the link the wrong url is being used?
When the page can't be found the user is returned to their project dashboard.
When entering the url address manually, the correct project dashboard is displayed, so the hyperlink address is correct, its just when selecting the link the wrong url is being used?
One answer
RQM2.0.1.1 iFix3 The "About Me" viewlet on the Dashboard, when selecting the Project hyperlink, the Project Dashboard is not displayed. When hovering over the Project hyperlink the correct url is displayed i.e. "https://servername:9443/jazz/web/projects/Project%Name#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard", but the page RQM tries to open is "https://servername:9443/jazz/web/projects/Project%Name". It has cut off the action and therfore can't find the project dashboard?
When the page can't be found the user is returned to their project dashboard.
When entering the url address manually, the correct project dashboard is displayed, so the hyperlink address is correct, its just when selecting the link the wrong url is being used?
This is a bug in Internet Explorer and works fine when using Firefox. If someone knows if or when this will be fixed, I would appreciate it. Thanks.