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can't view delayed/progress hours in Dashboard

Noriyuki Egi (7411818) | asked Aug 01 '11, 2:16 a.m.
Hello! I'm a fan of RTC!

In RTC301, I can't view delayed/progress hours in portlet "Current Iteration" in Dashboard.
I just see only "Work hours done".
Is this the correct behavior?

in RTC300,RTC2002, I can see How many hours has been delayed/progress.
It was displayed that Delay is red, Progress is green.


3 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Aug 01 '11, 5:20 a.m.
Hello! I'm a fan of RTC!

In RTC301, I can't view delayed/progress hours in portlet "Current Iteration" in Dashboard.
I just see only "Work hours done".
Is this the correct behavior?

in RTC300,RTC2002, I can see How many hours has been delayed/progress.
It was displayed that Delay is red, Progress is green.



What happens if you click on the bar - does it change to the delay/progress view?


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Noriyuki Egi (7411818) | answered Aug 01 '11, 8:32 p.m.


What happens if you click on the bar - does it change to the delay/progress view?


Hi kesterto, Thanks for reply.

Nothing happened when I click on the bar. Just show detail information in pop-up window about Progress Report.
I'm not talking about Plan view. But rather a dashboard.


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Noriyuki Egi (7411818) | answered Aug 04 '11, 7:01 p.m.
I have requested Defect tickets as follow.


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