BIRT build result report
I have been attempting to create a report based on a build result. The report will include information regarding the Build Label, included work items, and associated change sets. When I use the build_results table, I can find information on a specific build result. However, when I attempt to cross reference a specific build result with work items using the Links table, there appears to be no way to limit the output from the Links table to a specific build result. There appears to be no unique build result UUID. Only build definition and engine UUIDs are found in the build_result table. Am I missing something or is there no way to make this connection and produce the report?
3 answers
Rational's Integration Engineering Team has extended the RTC build to allow this type of reporting. The extensions are available as a service asset. The key to the approach was adding additional build tasks to the Ant scripts to provide the links to accomplish the report generation after the build is complete.
In 3.0.1, we started storing the build result item id in the common data warehouse but I just checked and the field is not exposed to BIRT. Exposing it will require a simple code change. Can you please file a defect request?
I submitted the following defect to resolve the issue.
Thanks for the quick response.