SECJ0129e at JTS/Setup
Hi folks,
next problem:
If I start the jts/setup, we get no access and find these error in log:
- We are running on Websphere 7 on z/OS
- We are using RACF as authentification/security system
- EJBROLE is defined properly and JazzAdmins is defined as described in doku
- Our UserId is connect to a group, which have the JazzAdmins role
So, where could the problem be?
next problem:
If I start the jts/setup, we get no access and find these error in log:
Trace: 2013/11/05 08:31:13.099 01 t=9BDD90 c=UNK key=P8 (13007002) ThreadId: 0000001b FunctionName: SourceId: Category: AUDIT ExtendedMessage: BBOO0222I: SECJ0129E: Authorization failed for user user:server while invoking GET on default_host:/jts/authen ticated/identity, Authorization failed, Not granted any of the required roles: JazzUsers JazzAdmins JazzGuests JazzDWAdmins JazzProj ectAdminssome tech details:
- We are running on Websphere 7 on z/OS
- We are using RACF as authentification/security system
- EJBROLE is defined properly and JazzAdmins is defined as described in doku
- Our UserId is connect to a group, which have the JazzAdmins role
So, where could the problem be?