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zOS Build Dependencies: Change workspace

From build dependencies for zOS. Dependency options.
Check box: Build changed items only
Build only those items that have changed or are impacted by a change to another item since the last successful build.
I suppose that this is performed comparing last successful build snapshot with current build dependency snapshot created after changes are accepted in the workspace. The "last successful" snapshot could be one made on a different workspace that the current workspace? I mean, Can I change the workspace of the dependency build after a successful build and items changed would continue being detected?
Check box: Build changed items only
Build only those items that have changed or are impacted by a change to another item since the last successful build.
I suppose that this is performed comparing last successful build snapshot with current build dependency snapshot created after changes are accepted in the workspace. The "last successful" snapshot could be one made on a different workspace that the current workspace? I mean, Can I change the workspace of the dependency build after a successful build and items changed would continue being detected?