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Set Developer role to control read only access to a component

Sapna Tunara (112) | asked Jan 28 '16, 5:29 p.m.

We are using RTC Eclipse Client v5.0.2, having customized the agile project template.  We have multiple project roles (Analyst, Developer, Release Engineer, Integrator, etc.).  All developers are member of the ‘Developer’ project role.  Also, multiple Team Areas have been assigned to the source control components. 

All developers will need to have full access to their assigned components.  A few developers will also require read-only access to some specific components other than their own.

I found an article ‘Controlling access to source control in Rational Team Control’ and followed the 'Use permissions to control delivery to components' steps to change the Team Area permissions. 

Link to the article:

My project Information:

- Component Name - Configuration

- Team Area name - frameworkusers

- Developer user name - Dev1

Here are the high level steps I took to setup the preconditions to the ‘frameworkusers’ Team Area:

1.      The ‘Configuration’ component is member of the ‘frameworkusers’ Team Area.  In the ‘frameworkusers’ Team Area, created a new process role ‘Read_Only’.  Also, the ‘Read_Only’ process role did not have any write permissions and no permissions were inherited from the parent. 

2.      Made ‘Dev1’ user a member of the ‘Read_Only’ role in the ‘frameworkusers’ Team area.  Note that this user is also a member of the project ‘Developer’ role. 

3.      In the Operation Behavior, enabled the Preconditions for the Deliver (server) for ‘Everyone’ in the project role. 

4.      Selected the ‘Restrict Change set delivery to components in a stream’ precondition.  In the Edit Restrictions window, enabled the checkbox for ‘Component Owner’ to ‘give access to the owner of the component’ and assigned ‘Read_Only’ to the ‘frameworkusers’ Team Area role.

Result:  The ‘Dev1’ user was able to check-in and deliver the changes to the component even though the Restrict Change set delivery to components in a stream’ precondition was apply to the ‘frameworkusers’ Team Area granted ‘Read_Only’ to the process role. 

I followed the exact steps described in the ‘'Use permissions to control delivery to components’ in my project, but for some reasons precondition was not set.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 28 '16, 8:49 p.m.
You completely missed the mark here unfortunately.

Read the sample again and pay attention to this part.
  • Notice that we've just associated a role operation behaviour using a role that does not appear in the available roles shown in the Operation Behavior table. This is because Consultant is scoped to the Customer Relations team area however the stream we are working on is in the JUnit Team team area. That is why we chose to add this precondition to the Everyone column.
In your case, the role "Read_Only" is scoped to the "frameworkusers" team area, and a user (Dev1) with such role will get the permissions defined under "Read_Only" (not Everyone) in the Operation Behavior table.

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