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RTC 3.0.1 - zOS - pre/post commands on Builds

Donald Poulin (2249119107) | asked Jun 27 '11, 3:04 p.m.
Builds and pre/post command line - if I use the .submit command on a pre or post command build does the submitted job run synchronously or asynchronously to the build? In other words when the JCL gets submitted via the JCL Monitor does the build process wait for the submitted job to complete before it completes? If I use JCL that does a --


to execute a job at "SITEB" how does that affect the synchronous/asynchronous picture?

2 answers

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Tami Takamiya (2011110) | answered Jun 27 '11, 3:39 p.m.
Rational Build Agent waits for the completion of the submitted jobs. I have not tried ROUTE statement and am not sure how it works with Job Monitor/Rational Build Agent.

Builds and pre/post command line - if I use the .submit command on a pre or post command build does the submitted job run synchronously or asynchronously to the build? In other words when the JCL gets submitted via the JCL Monitor does the build process wait for the submitted job to complete before it completes? If I use JCL that does a --


to execute a job at "SITEB" how does that affect the synchronous/asynchronous picture?

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Liam Doherty (2312) | answered Jun 28 '11, 12:11 a.m.
If the build agent waits for the completion of the submitted job then it should not matter of there is a /*ROUTE or not. Running a job with a /*ROUTE as no effect on the sending system. What I mean by that is the job starts and the job finishes once it gets the response back from the target system. So it should just look like a normal job to the job monitor. Unfortunately we don't have any NODEs defined on our test systems that we can try. I would suggest just giving it a go.

Rational Build Agent waits for the completion of the submitted jobs. I have not tried ROUTE statement and am not sure how it works with Job Monitor/Rational Build Agent.

Builds and pre/post command line - if I use the .submit command on a pre or post command build does the submitted job run synchronously or asynchronously to the build? In other words when the JCL gets submitted via the JCL Monitor does the build process wait for the submitted job to complete before it completes? If I use JCL that does a --


to execute a job at "SITEB" how does that affect the synchronous/asynchronous picture?

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