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What's the syntax for the CLI SCM ASSOCIATE command?

Ed Koezly (2631) | asked Nov 02 '09, 11:50 a.m.
I'm trying to associate a work item to a change set via the SCM.EXE program.

This command works fine for adding a change set comment.

scm changeset comment -r https://myhost/jazz -d C:\workspace\myworkspace 1003 "my comment" -u myuserid

The Help says the following for the SCM Changeset topic.

Associate a change set with a work item.

But when I try this where 36 is the work item ID and 1003 is the change set alias...
scm changeset comment -r https://myhost/jazz -d C:\workspace\myworkspace --associate 36 1003 "my comment" -u myuserid

... I get this error message.
Unknown subcommand:
Unknown subcommand "-r". Try 'scm help changeset'.

I've tried variations, SCM --HELP says ASSOCIATE is a subcommand, not an option. I tried that but got the same error.

2 answers

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Ed Koezly (2631) | answered Nov 02 '09, 8:02 p.m.
Never mind. I need to take the advice I give my seven-year old: read the directions. I still think the online help is wrong, but the SCM command says "scm help changeset". I was putting two dashes in front of "help".

Here's an example. 1178 is the change set alias. 13133 is the work item ID.

scm changeset associate -r https://myhost/jazz -w "myworkspace" 1178 13133 -u myuserid -p mypassword

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Nov 03 '09, 10:40 a.m.
You're right. The doc is wrong.

We're doing a pass over the documentation now to try and improve things. In the meantime, I suggest using the built-in help: 'scm help {subcommand-name}'.

Side note: In the command line interface, functionality is divvied up between "subcommands". Subcommands are hierarchical and are not prefixed with --/-. The exceptions are the --help and --version arguments that internally map to subcommands, but are included to improve usability.

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