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Search isn't working this morning

Paul Sims (31513421) | asked Jun 24 '11, 8:51 a.m.
I tried to search one forum (Using RTC) for three terms (move work items). The Loading... message eventually turns into a cannot display Web page error. The same is true of search on the home page. I couldn't find a Blog entry I was looking for and had to manually find it.

3 answers

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Paul Svejda (6) | answered Jun 28 '11, 4:32 a.m.
I thought I am the only one experienced that error last Friday. But all seems to be working perfectly now.

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Paul Sims (31513421) | answered Jun 28 '11, 12:10 p.m.
Thanks for your reply Paul. I'm disappointed we didn't hear from the team that runs the site.

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Umar Imtiaz (21) | answered Aug 11 '11, 8:36 a.m.
well i also tried one of search forums but it is not working....any suggestions

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