url parameter page=x does not work for RQM test case feedurl
I'm having trouble with querying RQM test case feedurl with url parameter page.
When query test case with feedurl https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase it always return the first 50 entries.
Then I try adding the page=x url parameter like https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase?page=1, it still keeps returning first 50 entries. I specify 0 to 10 for page=x, but it always return first 50 entries.
So here are my questions:
1. Is this a defect that I won't be able to list entries after first 50 ones through feedurl?
2. In https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#feedUrl_for_interaction_with_a_f, it mentions there is an advanced server preference to set default return entry number to be bigger than 50. I'd like to know where is this preference?
Does anybody know what's wrong here? Thanks in advance.
When query test case with feedurl https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase it always return the first 50 entries.
Then I try adding the page=x url parameter like https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase?page=1, it still keeps returning first 50 entries. I specify 0 to 10 for page=x, but it always return first 50 entries.
So here are my questions:
1. Is this a defect that I won't be able to list entries after first 50 ones through feedurl?
2. In https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#feedUrl_for_interaction_with_a_f, it mentions there is an advanced server preference to set default return entry number to be bigger than 50. I'd like to know where is this preference?
Does anybody know what's wrong here? Thanks in advance.
4 answers
I'm having trouble with querying RQM test case feedurl with url parameter page.
When query test case with feedurl https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase it always return the first 50 entries.
Then I try adding the page=x url parameter like https://rqmdev.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Test+Plan+Composer+Test+Project12/testcase?page=1, it still keeps returning first 50 entries. I specify 0 to 10 for page=x, but it always return first 50 entries.
So here are my questions:
1. Is this a defect that I won't be able to list entries after first 50 ones through feedurl?
2. In https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#feedUrl_for_interaction_with_a_f, it mentions there is an advanced server preference to set default return entry number to be bigger than 50. I'd like to know where is this preference?
Does anybody know what's wrong here? Thanks in advance.
The default size for each page of the feed is 50 entries. If there are more than 50 entries then the feed will contain paging links. The number of entries in each page of the feed can be configured:
1. Click the Admin (Administration) icon in the top right portion of the banner and select Jazz Team Server Home.
2. Click Jazz Team Server - Server Administration.
3. Click Advanced Properties.
4. Scroll to RQM Integration Component.
5. Change Max Feed Entries/Page to 1 - 1000.
thanks for your advice, I'm able to setup the Max Feed Entries/Page to 500.
But the real problem I want to address here is that the paging links are not working properly for RQM 3.0.1 RC2. Which results the fix max feed entry solution will not work when there are more than 500 items in feedurl.
I locate a RQM v2 instance with build version I20090713_1659 and verify the page url parameter will work properly. The query link will be https://fit-rqm-1.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/jazz/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITEProd/testcase?page=1 , and it returns the items following first 50 entries.
While comes to RQM 3.0.1 RC2, the page parameter is no longer working.
I opened a RQM defect as https://jazz.net/jazz02/web/projects/Rational%20Quality%20Manager#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=52247. But Paul McMahan directs me to open a post here.
thanks for your advice, I'm able to setup the Max Feed Entries/Page to 500.
But the real problem I want to address here is that the paging links are not working properly for RQM 3.0.1 RC2. Which results the fix max feed entry solution will not work when there are more than 500 items in feedurl.
I locate a RQM v2 instance with build version I20090713_1659 and verify the page url parameter will work properly. The query link will be https://fit-rqm-1.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:9443/jazz/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/ITEProd/testcase?
While comes to RQM 3.0.1 RC2, the page parameter is no longer working.
I opened a RQM defect as https://jazz.net/jazz02/web/projects/Rational%20Quality%20Manager#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=52247. But Paul McMahan directs me to open a post here.
Simply adding "?page=x" onto the end of the URL is not sufficient. RQM uses the ATOM paging specification for feed paging. See:
The URL for the next, previous, first, and last pages are provided in the feed XML.
See also:
The URL for the next, previous, first, and last pages are provided in the feed XML.
See also:
Simply adding "?page=x" onto the end of the URL is not sufficient. RQM uses the ATOM paging specification for feed paging. See:
The URL for the next, previous, first, and last pages are provided in the feed XML.
See also:
Thanks pmcmahan, I see how to deal with it now.