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Project Area Process Sharing

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Jun 08 '11, 10:13 a.m.

I created three project areas (A,B and C) with same process template. For project Area A, I said that this PA can share process to other project areas. In project areas B and C, I said that they use process from another project areas, and I choose A.
So, I added one more literal for enumeration custom attribute in project area A, but I didn't see changes in project areas B and C?

Any help ASAP!


13 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Sep 12 '11, 1:23 p.m.

The project area editors reflect the process specification of the project being edited. They do not show the actual configuration as it is applied at runtime. In this case, it means that the new literal will not show up in the project area editor for project B and project C, but will show up when a work item is created in project B or project C.

By the way, any project that is going to consume process should be created with the Unconfigured Process template to avoid overriding the process provider's configuration unintentionally. Make sure you choose Unconfigured Process when you create project B and project C.

Jazz Developer, Process Component


I created three project areas (A,B and C) with same process template. For project Area A, I said that this PA can share process to other project areas. In project areas B and C, I said that they use process from another project areas, and I choose A.
So, I added one more literal for enumeration custom attribute in project area A, but I didn't see changes in project areas B and C?

Any help ASAP!


Martha, will the new literal enumeration show up if the "Synchornize Attribtes" action is taken from the Work Items List?

Yes. If they do not, please file a defect and set Filed Against to "Work Times".


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Mark Howell (1143) | answered Nov 10 '11, 11:33 a.m.
I want to find out exactly what the capabilities of the <server> section in the Process Configuration Source section of the Project/Process templates. There are limitation as to what you can define in the GUI so I want to revert to writing some of the XML by hand. Can someone help be by pointing me at where the syntax for this is documented please.

At the moment I am creating 3 streams as part of a project initialisation which works fine but RTC is deciding to create a default component for each stream (even though I have not specified the template to do it). I am hoping the documentation can help me out


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Qiong Feng Huang (76911610) | answered Nov 11 '11, 4:43 a.m.
I want to find out exactly what the capabilities of the <server> section in the Process Configuration Source section of the Project/Process templates. There are limitation as to what you can define in the GUI so I want to revert to writing some of the XML by hand. Can someone help be by pointing me at where the syntax for this is documented please.

At the moment I am creating 3 streams as part of a project initialisation which works fine but RTC is deciding to create a default component for each stream (even though I have not specified the template to do it). I am hoping the documentation can help me out


Mark, I think you put your question in this un-related topic. :)

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