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Copy System Definitions to another server

Stefan Hoffmann (14421820) | asked May 18 '11, 8:06 a.m.

Is there an easy way to copy the system definitions (from the enterprise extensions) from one particular project to another rtc server?

I want to test the new 3.0.1 releases, specially the Dependency Build features.

And I do NOT want to:
1. Create all ~50 dataset defs, ~15 translator and ~15 lang defs from our current environment by hand to my testserver
2. write an ant file (setuprtc.xml) for import in my new server
3. Migrate our whole productive environment to a test installation just to get the System Definitions (derby wouldn't handle this.. ;-) )

Besides that, the system definitions seems not to be versioned. How can I make a snapshot from the current state, to which I can roll back. This is a real requirement for productive enviroments. Is there some sort of "hidden feature" like the process history?


6 answers

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Guy Slade (64158) | answered May 18 '11, 9:44 a.m.
Hi Stefan

What version are you currently on? ... i.e what version are you using where you have the ~50 dataset defs etc defined?


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Stefan Hoffmann (14421820) | answered May 18 '11, 10:08 a.m.
Hello Guy,

Currently 3.0.0 GA (no iFix).


Hi Stefan

What version are you currently on? ... i.e what version are you using where you have the ~50 dataset defs etc defined?


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Guy Slade (64158) | answered May 18 '11, 12:43 p.m.
Taking this offline. We can supply some tooling to export these definitions so they can be imported into the new version


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Guy Slade (64158) | answered May 18 '11, 12:45 p.m.
Taking this offline. We can supply some tooling to export these definitions so they can be imported into the new version


and I should also mention that this tooling has been included in the upcoming v3.0.1 release

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Donald Poulin (2249119107) | answered May 23 '11, 8:16 a.m.
Where in version 3.0.1 is the documentation regarding the new "tooling" to export system definitions?

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Guy Slade (64158) | answered May 24 '11, 10:12 a.m.
Where in version 3.0.1 is the documentation regarding the new "tooling" to export system definitions?

Hi Donald
The doc server is down right now so I can't give you a link. However, it is discussed in Work item 162723 and there is an example in Work Item 148700


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