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Unable search text on workitem summary or any filled item

Ashish Sahoo (2176) | asked May 02 '11, 11:06 a.m.
We are facing an issue while searching an text on workitem summary or any filled item for a specific project area.
For some are we are getting results, while for others it won't retrieve any records where it is there on an workitem summary or any of filled item.
We also went for -rebuildIndices with also -rebuildTextIndices and -reindex on reportools. Still it won't help us here. Also while am clicking the search duplicate button for the non-searchable item page, it throws an error "assertion failed : unable to find the document in the index(ID:itemOid/,

Please help us, why we are encountering this type of error and why the many of workitems are not searchable.

2 answers

permanent link
Dong Lieu (5632) | answered May 02 '11, 2:37 p.m.
Having the same issue with RTC v3.0. Does the fixpack 3.0.1 resolve this?

permanent link
Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered May 03 '11, 12:26 p.m.
Having the same issue with RTC v3.0. Does the fixpack 3.0.1 resolve this?


Check the location of your index files (jts and ccm) and see if the files have been updated after you re-index. Do you have the correct permissions to access these directories:


The indices must be stored in different locations (otherwise the apps will potentially overwrite each other). The file tells each app (/ccm and /jts) where to look

Check your files are not pointing to the same place - look for entries like:


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