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Problems while deploying a followup action to the server

I wrote a followup action, which will be called during the Save work item operation. My plugin is working fine with the development launch file.
Now I am trying to deploy the plugin into the server. I created a feature and update site as mentioned in
And when I try to run the repotools -addTables, I get the following error.
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "edu.asu.poly.savewi.followup.service" with the id 300 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
The "edu.asu.poly.savewi.followup.service" is my followup service plugin mentioned in the feature and I couldn't see the followup action in the list too.
Any help is appreciated.
I wrote a followup action, which will be called during the Save work item operation. My plugin is working fine with the development launch file.
Now I am trying to deploy the plugin into the server. I created a feature and update site as mentioned in
And when I try to run the repotools -addTables, I get the following error.
CRJAZ1218I The bundle "edu.asu.poly.savewi.followup.service" with the id 300 is invalid, it is not "RESOLVED".
The "edu.asu.poly.savewi.followup.service" is my followup service plugin mentioned in the feature and I couldn't see the followup action in the list too.
Any help is appreciated.