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Host an eclipse update site that doesn't require auth?

Christina Cruz (61) | asked Apr 21 '11, 3:27 p.m.
I have successfully uploaded my eclipse update site to RAM. During the upload, I specified that it should be a public package. When trying to access any files on the site (ie. one of the images) with a brower, I get prompted to log in. When I try to use the update site to install the eclipse plugin, I get the following error in the log:

org.eclipse.update.internal.core.CoreExceptionWithRootCause: Unable to access site: ""

Is there a way to access the update site without authenticating? Is there a way to make the files publicly available to anonymous users?

I reviewed this documentation on how to download assets via HTTP GET, but it doesn't seem to help:

Any help would be great... Thanks!

9 answers

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Srimanth Gunturi (206125) | answered Apr 21 '11, 3:59 p.m.
You are getting the login prompt because the asset can be seen only by logged in users. You need to change permissions so that the asset is visible to anonymous users also.

Once this is done, there is a slight modification to the URL that needs to be made for anonymous access - you need to remove the '/RAMSecure' portion of the update site URL, as that always needs a login. We never anticipated anonymous distribution of update sites... please open an enhancement for fixing this.

Best regards,

I have successfully uploaded my eclipse update site to RAM. During the upload, I specified that it should be a public package. When trying to access any files on the site (ie. one of the images) with a brower, I get prompted to log in. When I try to use the update site to install the eclipse plugin, I get the following error in the log:

org.eclipse.update.internal.core.CoreExceptionWithRootCause: Unable to access site: ""

Is there a way to access the update site without authenticating? Is there a way to make the files publicly available to anonymous users?

I reviewed this documentation on how to download assets via HTTP GET, but it doesn't seem to help:

Any help would be great... Thanks!

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Christina Cruz (61) | answered Apr 21 '11, 4:12 p.m.
I couldn't figure out how to change permissions so that the asset is visible to anonymous users also. Would you be able to provide information on how to do this?

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Srimanth Gunturi (206125) | answered Apr 27 '11, 2:15 p.m.
The asset owner does not have the capability of making assets available for anonymous users. This can be done only by the community administrators.

Community administrators can either grant access to all assets in their community to anonymous users, OR create a special role constrained to a specific type/category and assign this new role to anonymous users. Then anonymous users will be able to see the asset and use it as update site without authentication.

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Kristen Dunne (11) | answered Apr 27 '11, 4:07 p.m.
I'm working with Christina on this and we still can't find how to grant download access to anonymous users. From the community administration page, under the Users tab, it says that All users includes those that are not signed in. If we edit the roles for all users to be asset consumers, an information message is displayed saying, "Users who are not signed in are limited to searching and viewing assets." In order to host an update site, won't we want these users who are not signed in to be able to download assets? I also tried creating a new role with download permissions, but I still get the warning that users not signed in only be able to search and view assets. Is there somewhere else we should be looking to grant access to anonymous users?

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Srimanth Gunturi (206125) | answered Apr 27 '11, 4:55 p.m.
If you are the community administrator you should be able to create a new role which provides search,read,download entitlements and scoped to your specific type (scoping because you might not want to make *all* assets in your community available to anonymous users). Now goto All Users and going into Edit Roles you should be able to select this new role and hit Finish - this should provide anonymous users access to assets of that type. Ignore the message at top as it is just for information.

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Apr 28 '11, 11:30 a.m.

Actually you can't. Currently anonymous users can only view asset
details. They are not allowed to download any content. Since they can't
download they can't use it as an update site.

Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer

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Kristen Dunne (11) | answered Apr 29 '11, 1:35 p.m.
I opened Enhancement 50245 for this.

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Thomas Immel (1624) | answered Oct 30 '13, 12:11 p.m.
Any news on that topic ?
Need download access for an eclipse update site.


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Thomas Immel (1624) | answered Oct 30 '13, 12:16 p.m.
Seems to be fixed in 7.5.1 M2

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