How could we migrate our workflow from Ent.svr to Std. svr.?
2 answers
How could we migrate our workflow from Ent.svr to Std. svr.? Is there any license issue or function barrier ?
Hi, the terms and conditions for Standard Edition limit you from creating and using custom lifecycles. To clarify: this means you can customize the existing lifecycles using the Web UI in SE, but cannot create new lifecycles from scratch using the RTC client.
On 4/6/2010 12:07 PM, tommywu052 wrote:
supports the pre-canned workflows. So if you have a non-standard
customized workflow, you won't lose it but it won't show in the list of
workflows on the community lifecycle page.
Regards... Peter Walker
How could we migrate our workflow from Ent.svr to Std. svr.? Is there
any license issue or function barrier ?
As Gili mentioned on a previous thread, the standard license only
supports the pre-canned workflows. So if you have a non-standard
customized workflow, you won't lose it but it won't show in the list of
workflows on the community lifecycle page.
Regards... Peter Walker