RAM API to find roles and usergroups
I have requirements to get roles and usgroups based on the input community name and user id.
Please see the following codes.
I am not sure whether the api I called is correct or there are some more efficient api can implement my requirements.
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.ibm.ram.client.RAMCommunity;
import com.ibm.ram.client.RAMSession;
import com.ibm.ram.common.data.UserInformation;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.access.ws.RAM1;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.client.RAMClient;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.CommunitySO;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.RoleSO;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.UserGroupSO;
public class Test {
public void test( String communityName, String userId ) throws Exception {
List<RoleSO> roles = new ArrayList<RoleSO>();
List<UserGroupSO> groups = new ArrayList<UserGroupSO>();
// Get community based on the community name
RAMSession session = new RAMSession( "RAMURL", "ADMIN", "PASSWORD" );
RAMCommunity community = session.getCommunity( communityName );
// Connect ram server
RAM1 ram1 = new RAMClient(new URL( "RAMURL" ), "ADMIN", "PASSWORD", null).getRAM1Webservice();
int[] communityIdArray = { community.getId() };
CommunitySO[] communitySO = ram1.getCommunities( communityIdArray, true, true );
CommunitySO so = communitySO;
RoleSO[] rolesArray = so.getRoles();
UserGroupSO[] groupsArray = so.getUserGroups();
// Get roles and put into role list
for( RoleSO role : rolesArray ) {
String[] userIdArray = role.getUserIDs();
for( String id : userIdArray ) {
if( userId.equals( id ) ) {
roles.add( role );
// Get user groups and put into group list
for( UserGroupSO group : groupsArray ) {
UserInformation[] userArray = group.getUsers();
for( UserInformation user : userArray ) {
if( userId.equals( user.getUid() ) ) {
groups.add( group );
Please see the following codes.
I am not sure whether the api I called is correct or there are some more efficient api can implement my requirements.
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.ibm.ram.client.RAMCommunity;
import com.ibm.ram.client.RAMSession;
import com.ibm.ram.common.data.UserInformation;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.access.ws.RAM1;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.client.RAMClient;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.CommunitySO;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.RoleSO;
import com.ibm.ram.internal.common.data.UserGroupSO;
public class Test {
public void test( String communityName, String userId ) throws Exception {
List<RoleSO> roles = new ArrayList<RoleSO>();
List<UserGroupSO> groups = new ArrayList<UserGroupSO>();
// Get community based on the community name
RAMSession session = new RAMSession( "RAMURL", "ADMIN", "PASSWORD" );
RAMCommunity community = session.getCommunity( communityName );
// Connect ram server
RAM1 ram1 = new RAMClient(new URL( "RAMURL" ), "ADMIN", "PASSWORD", null).getRAM1Webservice();
int[] communityIdArray = { community.getId() };
CommunitySO[] communitySO = ram1.getCommunities( communityIdArray, true, true );
CommunitySO so = communitySO;
RoleSO[] rolesArray = so.getRoles();
UserGroupSO[] groupsArray = so.getUserGroups();
// Get roles and put into role list
for( RoleSO role : rolesArray ) {
String[] userIdArray = role.getUserIDs();
for( String id : userIdArray ) {
if( userId.equals( id ) ) {
roles.add( role );
// Get user groups and put into group list
for( UserGroupSO group : groupsArray ) {
UserInformation[] userArray = group.getUsers();
for( UserInformation user : userArray ) {
if( userId.equals( user.getUid() ) ) {
groups.add( group );