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Question about Progress, Estimated

James Labrie (18123818) | asked Apr 19 '11, 6:38 a.m.

I have a question about Progress and Estimated on RTC3.0.

We are using Formal Project Management Process template.

In the plan, there is a "Business Need".
Under the "Business Need", there are 5 tasks.

The "Estimate" of each task is 2h.

Now, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 0/10h

Once all of the tasks are resolved, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 10/10h

But, once I add Time entry to each task, the "Progress: " will be changed.


If I add 1 hour to "Time entry" of each task, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 5/5h

It seems that denominator and numerator are the amount of Time Spent of the tasks.

But, according to the article below, i think the progress should be following.
"Amount of Estimate of the resolved workitems "/ "Amount of Estimate of workitems"

Is above behavior(that the Progress is changed to "Progress: 5/5h") a defect?

5 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 19 '11, 9:54 p.m.
The precedence order for the various time values captured by Team
Concert (from high to low) are:

- actual time spent (such as, that entered by your time entries)
- revised estimate
- estimate

So once you have entered actual time spent, that takes priority over any
estimates you might have made.


On 4/19/2011 6:53 AM, jamesla wrote:

I have a question about Progress and Estimated on RTC3.0.

We are using Formal Project Management Process template.

In the plan, there is a "Business Need".
Under the "Business Need", there are 5 tasks.

The "Estimate" of each task is 2h.

Now, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as

Progress: 0/10h

Once all of the tasks are resolved, the progress of the "Business
Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 10/10h

But, once I add Time entry to each task, the "Progress: "
will be changed.


If I add 1 hour to "Time entry" of each task, the progress
of the "Business Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 5/5h

It seems that denominator and numerator are the amount of Time Spent
of the tasks.

But, according to the article below, i think the progress should be
"Amount of Estimate of the resolved workitems "/
"Amount of Estimate of workitems"

Is above behavior(that the Progress is changed to "Progress:
5/5h") a defect?

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James Labrie (18123818) | answered Apr 20 '11, 5:48 a.m.
Hi Geoff,

Thank you very much for your answer everytime!:)

Let me ask following additional question.

In the plan, there is a "Business Need".
Under the "Business Need", there is one task.

The "Estimate" of the task is 4h.

Now, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as follows.

Progress: 0/4h

Without resolving the task, I added Time entry to the task.
When I added 2h of Time entry to the task, the "Progress" became like following.

Progress: 2/4h

When I added 5h of Time entry to the task, the "Progress" became like following.

Progress: 5/5h

It seems that once "Time Spent" exceeds the "Estimate", the "Estimate" is no longer considered to calculate the "Progress".
Only "Time Spent" is considered to calculate the "Progress" instead of "Estimate".

Is my understanding correct?

Also, is there any document this thing is mentioned?
Because the article in the following link does not mention about this.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 20 '11, 11:14 a.m.
One key point is that the status of the work item affects how progress
is reported.

If a work item is "complete", and it has actual work reported against
it, then the "estimate" values are ignored ... all that matters is the
actual work. So if your estimate is 4h, and your time spent is 2h, if
the work item is complete, then the 4h estimate is ignored, and the 2h
actual time spent is the cost of that work item. On the other hand, if
the work item is not complete, then the estimate matters ... so if the
estimate is 4h, and you have only spent 2h, then you'll get a 2/4
progress report. But if your "time spent" is greater than your
estimate, than the greater "time spent" value is what is counted (i.e.
if you've already spent 6h on the task estimated at 4h, then the 4h
estimate is ignored when reporting progress).


On 4/20/2011 5:53 AM, jamesla wrote:
Hi Geoff,

Thank you very much for your answer everytime!:)

Let me ask following additional question.

In the plan, there is a "Business Need".
Under the "Business Need", there is one task.

The "Estimate" of the task is 4h.

Now, the progress of the "Business Need" is shown as

Progress: 0/4h

Without resolving the task, I added Time entry to the task.
When I added 2h of Time entry to the task, the "Progress"
became like following.

Progress: 2/4h

When I added 5h of Time entry to the task, the "Progress"
became like following.

Progress: 5/5h

It seems that once "Time Spent" exceeds the
"Estimate", the "Estimate" is no longer
considered to calculate the "Progress".
Only "Time Spent" is considered to calculate the
"Progress" instead of "Estimate".

Is my understanding correct?

Also, is there any document this thing is mentioned?
Because the article in the following link does not mention about

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James Labrie (18123818) | answered Apr 21 '11, 6:18 a.m.
Hi Geoff,

Thank you very much :)

Let me clarify one thing.
I just want to know if there is a document which explains this behavior.

As far as I have looked for, I could not find such a document.
What I found was only this article.

Do you know if there is a document which explains this behavior?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 21 '11, 10:57 a.m.
I don't believe that there is a current article describing this level of
detail (if there is, I'd be interested in getting a pointer to it as
well). In general, when you find gaps in the published documentation,
please do submit a work item, so that it gets into the work queue of the
documentation team.


On 4/21/2011 6:23 AM, jamesla wrote:
Hi Geoff,

Thank you very much :)

Let me clarify one thing.
I just want to know if there is a document which explains this

As far as I have looked for, I could not find such a document.
What I found was only this article.

Do you know if there is a document which explains this behavior?

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