Associating Release to Buildresults or snapshots
One answer
From a build (build result editor in RTC Eclipse UI) you can create and associate a new Release.
There is an existing enhancement request to associate an existing release with a build, and otherwise manage the association better:
I wrote a JRuby script to do this recently, which I could share if there's interest.
Hi Nick
I'd also like to be able to associate a snapshot with a build, can you do that with your JRuby magic as well?
Hi Anders, yes this would be possible with JRuby scripting, and using actual RTC Build/SCM client API rather than internals. But I'm curious about the scenario. Normally the snapshot gets associated as a side effect of running the SCM phase, either with JBE or with the teamAccept Ant task. The various integrations work similarly. How are you running the SCM phase such that this doesn't happen? Using the SCM CLI?
I've put the JRuby script to associate a release with a build here:
Thank you nick
The ruby script to associate a release with build is working
Good to hear. Note to others: the build URL given needs to be of the resource/itemOid form (Copy URL on the build in the Eclipse UI) not the web UI URL.
Jacky perazio
Nov 11 '13, 5:29 p.m.Hello,
If you have a solution, Please let me know. Because , I also look for this issue. Thank you in advance
Nick Edgar
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 11 '13, 5:32 p.m.> I can't figure what it is used for...