How can I run JRuby scripts using the RTC Java client API?
2 answers
Yes. I've started a wiki topic for this:
The examples there are Build-centric at the moment, but the same approach could be used for scripting other components in RTC / Jazz Foundation.
"JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby programming language (and libraries), running on top of the Java runtime. It also makes it easy to call existing Java code, in a way that's idiomatic to Ruby. As an interpreted, dynamically typed language, it's easy to try things out and to iterate quickly, with quite concise code."
A similar approach could be taken with other JVM-based scripting languages, e.g. Groovy, Jython.
I'm considering switching these scripts to Groovy, since it's more "native" / common in the Java world (even though I personally quite like [J]Ruby).