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Timeout in minutes from project step

qiu saphen (27126039) | asked Mar 29 '11, 8:24 a.m.

I want to modify the default "Timeout in minutes" from project step, the default value is 5, but there are many steps in my project.
Does the BuildForge have related global parameter to config?
Or can I modify the default vaue so that every step will get the value when created?


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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Mar 30 '11, 10:46 a.m.

I want to modify the default "Timeout in minutes" from project step, the default value is 5, but there are many steps in my project.
Does the BuildForge have related global parameter to config?
Or can I modify the default vaue so that every step will get the value when created?



It sounds like the trigger environment variable _TIMEOUT would work for your scenario. If you were to set an environment at the project or server level or if you already have an environment set, you could add an environment variable named _TIMEOUT with a value in minutes.

The documentation lists this information about the variable.

A value that overrides the Timeout property
for one or all of the steps in your project.

Brent Ulbricht
Developer/Lead - RTC Build

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