How to uninstall
We installed the server-side connector using the following instructions
How do we uninstall them? We tried removing the provisioning file and update site and restart the WAS server, but the buildforge services are still displayed on the advanced server page.
How do we uninstall them? We tried removing the provisioning file and update site and restart the WAS server, but the buildforge services are still displayed on the advanced server page.
One answer
We installed the server-side connector using the following instructions
How do we uninstall them? We tried removing the provisioning file and update site and restart the WAS server, but the buildforge services are still displayed on the advanced server page.
To uninstall the plugin, do exactly what you did earlier, remove buildforgeconnector-update-site directory and the buildforgeconnector-profile.ini in conf/jazz/provision_profiles. Then you have to reset the plugin JARs in your RTC server.
If you modify the server-side connector JAR in any way, such as installing a new version, you should perform a "requestReset" to update the cached plugin in the Eclipse runtime. You can do this by hitting the following URL while the RTC server is running, and then restart it afterwards.