Certificate Problem - Acceptance is not being stored

We are using RTC IFIX 5 and have a problem with the ssl certificate. No changes have been made to the certificate entries within Tomcat so the server can be considered to be a straight-forward new install. Users are prompted to accept the certificate when they start a new RTC session. This occurs on all Internet Explorer sessions and all RTC Eclipse client sessions. Normally (on other installations) I only ever see these certificate questions once so I want to know what settings to investigate to see how each client is storing the information about the certificate. Where do the Eclipse and the Visual Studio .NET client in particular store the information on certificates ?
We believe that this is having an adverse impact on the performance of the client after accepting the certificate and successfully. The pop up OSLC windows that display information about child records don't work and this is having a big impact on acceptability. Instead a box with a pink background is displayed with the text : "Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate".
We believe that this is having an adverse impact on the performance of the client after accepting the certificate and successfully. The pop up OSLC windows that display information about child records don't work and this is having a big impact on acceptability. Instead a box with a pink background is displayed with the text : "Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate".
2 answers

In the RTC rich client, there are some use cases where an embedded IE browser widget is used together with the eclipse client. In those cases the IE widget would require the same security confirmation.
At least for the client repo connection, I would expect a confirmation to be required just once and for that to be persisted with user preferences.
If you are unable to use an OSLC integration, that would be defect. Could you file a work item with exact steps to reproduce?
Ritchie Schacher
Jazz Repository team
At least for the client repo connection, I would expect a confirmation to be required just once and for that to be persisted with user preferences.
If you are unable to use an OSLC integration, that would be defect. Could you file a work item with exact steps to reproduce?
Ritchie Schacher
Jazz Repository team