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Installing RRC is a Nightmare

Eric Kolotyluk (121185) | asked Mar 24 '11, 2:35 p.m.
OK, so I installed RTC, which took some effort, but was basically straightforward. The only serious problem is that it is not possible to start the server from the Start menu on Windows 7, even if you try to start as administrator. You have to start the server from a cmd window.

Trying to install RRC is turning into a nightmare :(

The first problem is that the RRC installer has no awareness that RTC is already installed. My expectation is that the installer should already be able to see that RTC is installed and take the appropriate steps - but this is not the case.

The next problem is that when trying to start the RRC server, there is a port conflict with the previous RTC server, so you have to shut down the RTC server to do the RRC server setup.

Then I tried to do the FastPath setup, which lead to too many problems to describe.

Finally I was able to get through the custom setup so I can only assume the FastPath setup is just bogus.

So here's the problem - how in the world are you supposed to configure these two applications and their servers to integrate and play nice together?

I cannot find any clear documentation on how this is supposed to work.

9 answers

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Eric Kolotyluk (121185) | answered Mar 24 '11, 3:24 p.m.
OK, so I found some documentation about integrating things:

Ensure that the following preconditions have been met:

You have installed and configured the most recent version of at least two of the following:
the server component for Rational Team Concert
the server component for Rational Requirements Composer
Rational Quality Manager (in this case, there is not a separate installation option for the server component)
You are running the servers on machines with different host names or IP addresses.

First problem: "Ensure you are running the servers on machines with different host names or IP addresses" should be the very first thing you see, not the last.

Second problem: This has to be a joke. Why can't you run RTM and RRC on the same host computer? When I attended the the IBM CALM Proof of Technology workshop I specifically asked if all these applications could be run on the same server and the answer was yes.

Third problem: The installers really need to be improved. If you cannot install these servers on the same computer then the installer should prevent that.

I'm quickly becoming disillusioned with these products. If IBM want people to try their products they have to put a lot more effort into making a decent installation experience.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Mar 24 '11, 5:10 p.m.
OK, so I found some documentation about integrating things:

Ensure that the following preconditions have been met:

You have installed and configured the most recent version of at least two of the following:
the server component for Rational Team Concert
the server component for Rational Requirements Composer
Rational Quality Manager (in this case, there is not a separate installation option for the server component)
You are running the servers on machines with different host names or IP addresses.

First problem: "Ensure you are running the servers on machines with different host names or IP addresses" should be the very first thing you see, not the last.

Second problem: This has to be a joke. Why can't you run RTM and RRC on the same host computer? When I attended the the IBM CALM Proof of Technology workshop I specifically asked if all these applications could be run on the same server and the answer was yes.

Third problem: The installers really need to be improved. If you cannot install these servers on the same computer then the installer should prevent that.

I'm quickly becoming disillusioned with these products. If IBM want people to try their products they have to put a lot more effort into making a decent installation experience.

Hi Eric,

I am assuming that you are installing both RTC and RRC V2 products?

I am sorry that you are having problems.

RRC and RTC can be installed on the same machine but they need to use different port numbers, as you have already found. Now if you want to run them in the same application server here are some tech support instructions that will help with that task:

Now it is our intention to improve the installation of RTC and RRC onto the same server, machine, as well as use common components i.e. shift from integration across products to integrated products through shared services (see

Typically using the latest development milestone releases,, it takes me about 2 hours to download, install, configure, and run RRC and RTC on the same application server, using the same database. Obviously this is not yet a GA product, and if you want to try it I suggest use it in a test environment.

Here is a link to the latest help

There is also a Agility@scale for IT sample we are developing that installs a linked example in RTC, RRC and RQM. Once you have configured the CLM servers it takes about 20mins to create the project areas, users, artifacts and cross application links.

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Eric Kolotyluk (121185) | answered Mar 24 '11, 5:23 p.m.
OK, I tried installing and the experience is a lot better. However, I am stuck trying to finalize the application. The User Synchronization fails with

Unable to perform the User Sync operation. See details for more information.ID CRJAZ1752Ehide details
HTTP Status 500 - Premature end of file.
type Status report

message Premature end of file.

description The server encountered an internal error (Premature end of file.) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

Apache Tomcat/5.5.30

and there is an IllegalArgumentException in the Tomcat window. The wizard won't let me progress from there.

I am not sure what to do next.

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Eric Kolotyluk (121185) | answered Mar 24 '11, 5:40 p.m.
OK, I got a little further by hitting the refresh button in the web browser. This took me back to the beginning of the setup, but all the fields I entered were already populated, so it was pretty quick just clicking next to go through everything again.

I got to the Lifecycle Admin Finalization step and get the message:

Please wait while the application is being finalized. This may take a minute.

But things seem to be hung and the next button is not enabled. This is a bad experience because all the items are checked off as being completed, but I've been waiting substantially longer than a minute. As far as I can tell the wizard is hung as there is no indication that anything is still happening.

3.0M13 seemed so promising...

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Eric Kolotyluk (121185) | answered Mar 24 '11, 9:27 p.m.
OK, I installed 3.0M13 again on a different server for more practice. Things generally went smoother, but came to a screeching halt when I was in the setup wizard trying to finalize the Requirements Management. For some reason it would not enable the (Finalize) button. I tried many things but could not get past this. Finally I switched from the Google Chrome browser to IE 9 and thins seem to work after that. The setup wizard still does not complete properly, but it appears everything is installed.

My previous installation I was using Firefox 4 and had similar trouble, but I was able to finish with FF4, except for the little part at the end that never seems to complete.

Anyway, 3.0 is way better than 2.x

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Mar 24 '11, 10:01 p.m.
Browser compatibility could be an issue here. Supported browsers are FF3.6, IE7, IE8 (not IE9, not FF4.0).

The supported software is listed here for M13 (the RRC V3 release):

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Mar 26 '11, 12:35 p.m.
Browser compatibility could be an issue here. Supported browsers are FF3.6, IE7, IE8 (not IE9, not FF4.0).

The supported software is listed here for M13 (the RRC V3 release):

As an FYI: I use mostly Firefox 3.6.15 with milestone 13 of RRC

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Apr 02 '11, 2:02 p.m.
Hi Eric

Unfortunately we have failed to communicate to users that with RTC 3.0.1, RQM 3.0 and RRC 3.0, all products share a common server. If you look at the top of the Getting Started page for each of the Beta 3 downloads, you will see this. For example:

You only need to install ONE the downloads to get access to all three of the products. For RC1 (or possibly RC2) we will try to make this even clearer with new wording the in the launchpads.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them.



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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered May 18 '11, 4:42 p.m.
I believe your scenario is a supported upgrade path for the V3.0.1 products. I suggest looking in the CLM information center (link in the library or at the bottom of the new & noteworthy pages for recent milestone downloads). If you don't find it there, you could look on the development wiki.

The important point is that if both applications are going to use the same Jazz Team Server, both products needs to be at V3.0.1. This is the first release that makes this possible. Note that the current V3.0.1 release candidate milestones are pre-production, i.e, we have not released V3.0.1 for production use.

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