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Connecting a reporting tool to the data warehouse

ed Neubecker (15322847) | asked Feb 28 '13, 9:54 p.m.
Is it possible to connect a reporting tool that is external to the repository to the data warehouse? The scenario is:
End user uses Crystal reports, BIRT, SPSS and wants to do some data analysis of the work items. This could easily be handled by RRDI or Insight, but they are not deployed.
The user would like to connect to the CLM data warehouse as a "data source" and use the reporting tool to do their analysis of some data.
Is this even possible to connect an external reporting tool to the CLM data warehouse?

Accepted answer

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Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Mar 01 '13, 4:48 a.m.
  The data warehouse is just a plain old database - you can report on it with any tool that supports your database type.
ed Neubecker selected this answer as the correct answer

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