Data mapping: Dealing with nonexistant users / contributors
We are in the process of migrating our 40k CQ records into RTC. There are a number of users referenced in these records who are no longer with the company. One such record looks something like this:
The line in this record I'm having trouble with is the one that starts with"<who name=...". The email address "" is not in our RTC project and belongs to a person who is longer with the company. When I try to import this record when logged in as myself (, I get the following error dialog:
If I update the line to replace "" with "", it imports just fine.
How do I get around this problem? What I would *really* like to do is keep the CQ record as it is so that we know who was involved with the issue originally, even though they no longer work here. Is this a valid thing to do in RTC? Would the nonexistant users require user licenses?
For testing purposes, I thought I would map the email addresses that are no longer valid to addresses that are. I tried doing this in the mapping file in the following manner, but it didn't work:
Seems like the person in was doing something similar.
Answers / suggestions for both questions would be greatly appreciated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<bugzilla version="3.3" urlbase="">
<Headline>gbc: Test heading</Headline>
<Product>DATASTAGE TX</Product>
<Component>ADAPTER ORACLE 9I</Component>
<CompOwner.fullname>Gerry Cullen</CompOwner.fullname>
<Description>Description of this issue</Description>
<who name="Admin"></who>
<bug_when>2007-04-09 10:35 -0400</bug_when>
Text of the issue...
The line in this record I'm having trouble with is the one that starts with"<who name=...". The email address "" is not in our RTC project and belongs to a person who is longer with the company. When I try to import this record when logged in as myself (, I get the following error dialog:
Error Importing ClearQuest Records
Could not create work item from bug WTX00005198
User "" does not have the required permission to perform this operation. The "JazzAdmins" role is required to perform this operation.
If I update the line to replace "" with "", it imports just fine.
How do I get around this problem? What I would *really* like to do is keep the CQ record as it is so that we know who was involved with the issue originally, even though they no longer work here. Is this a valid thing to do in RTC? Would the nonexistant users require user licenses?
For testing purposes, I thought I would map the email addresses that are no longer valid to addresses that are. I tried doing this in the mapping file in the following manner, but it didn't work:
<attribute sourceId="history.user_name" targetId="" />
<attribute sourceId="CompOwner.fullname" targetId="" />
<attribute sourceId="" targetId="" />
<attributeType targetId="contributor">
<value sourceId="" targetId="Gerry Cullen"/>
<value sourceId="" targetId="Gerry Cullen"/>
<value sourceId="Admin" targetId="Gerry Cullen"/>
Seems like the person in was doing something similar.
Answers / suggestions for both questions would be greatly appreciated.
3 answers
When performing the import, the CQ Importer will create RTC contributors if they don't already exist. The user running the import must have a JazzAdmins repository role in order to create RTC contributors. Getting that error means that your account does not have that repository role.
The reason why this works is because no RTC contributor is being created; it's using an existing RTC contributor.
Assign your user account the JazzAdmins repository role. What you are trying to do is valid. Non-existent users would not require user licenses.
You won't be able to do the email address mapping with the long_desc field, but you can do it with a simple user field such as the following:
<attribute sourceId="Owners" targetId="" />
<attributeType targetId="contributor">
<value sourceId="harrisk" targetId="bob" />
<value sourceId="fleenorj" targetId="bob" />
If I update the line to replace "" with "", it imports just fine.
The reason why this works is because no RTC contributor is being created; it's using an existing RTC contributor.
How do I get around this problem? What I would *really* like to do is keep the CQ record as it is so that we know who was involved with the issue originally, even though they no longer work here. Is this a valid thing to do in RTC? Would the nonexistant users require user licenses?
Assign your user account the JazzAdmins repository role. What you are trying to do is valid. Non-existent users would not require user licenses.
You won't be able to do the email address mapping with the long_desc field, but you can do it with a simple user field such as the following:
<attribute sourceId="Owners" targetId="" />
<attributeType targetId="contributor">
<value sourceId="harrisk" targetId="bob" />
<value sourceId="fleenorj" targetId="bob" />
Now that my user account has JazzAdmins repository role, I'm able to successfully import the CQ records that reference nonexistent users.
Now I see that the mapping I did for certain users was not quite correct. I can go into the thick client and from the navigator choose the Process Template view. If I right click on it and select Administer -> Open Users..., I can search for and find the user that just got added. If I open the user record, I can view the values associated with the user, but most of the fields I'm interested in changing are in read-only mode. Is there a way I can edit the non-existent users once they are imported? What if I archive them? Can I reimport them with different values?
I also have a user-related question regarding functionality in the thick client versus the Web UI. In the Web UI, I can go to the upper right hand corner of the screen and select Administration -> Users, and I will see a complete list of all the active users. Is there a similar screen available in the thick client?
Now I see that the mapping I did for certain users was not quite correct. I can go into the thick client and from the navigator choose the Process Template view. If I right click on it and select Administer -> Open Users..., I can search for and find the user that just got added. If I open the user record, I can view the values associated with the user, but most of the fields I'm interested in changing are in read-only mode. Is there a way I can edit the non-existent users once they are imported? What if I archive them? Can I reimport them with different values?
I also have a user-related question regarding functionality in the thick client versus the Web UI. In the Web UI, I can go to the upper right hand corner of the screen and select Administration -> Users, and I will see a complete list of all the active users. Is there a similar screen available in the thick client?
I think the reason why you can't edit the imported users is because the jazz server is configured to use an external user registry. If it were configured to use tomcat, you should be able to modify the user attributes.
You won't be able to re-import users.
There's isn't a similar screen in the thick client to display all users.
I have contacted someone else who is more familiar with the user administration area of RTC.
You won't be able to re-import users.
There's isn't a similar screen in the thick client to display all users.
I have contacted someone else who is more familiar with the user administration area of RTC.