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RAM 7.5 and external WAS 6.1 fails to populate RTC database

Mark Howell (1143) | asked Mar 07 '11, 2:36 p.m.
I am trying to configure a RAM environment, we have a WAS cluster for deployiing RAM and a single instance for the RTC component. I have manually deployed the RAM setup application and am working through it. I have all the applications up and running and the RAM db is fine. I am falling over at the last hurdle in configuring the RTC db. I have setup a vanilla oracle instance (its all oracle on the same server) and followed the tablespace and user setup to the letter (and double checked) and i am getting an error:

CRRAM701E: Database - Error - Repo Tools CRJAZ0287I Failed to install the bundle "file:<WAS>/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/update-site/plugins/". CRJAZ0288I Failed to install the profile feature "" from the update site "file:<WAS>/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/update-site" referenced in the profile file "<WAS>/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles/profile.ini". CRJAZ1225I Migration failed.

file:<WAS>/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/update-site/plugins/ does not exist anywhere

Initially the profile.ini file had its update site just as:
$ cd <WAS>/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles
$ more profile.ini
$ ls ../
friendsconfig.rdf services.xml

and in this directory, the relative path for url was invalid. This failed to "Populate the database" but i thought i had found the answer ...

after a quick find i found an update site at:

and grepped for the feature it was looking for in site.xml and it matched so i changed profile.ini to have the absolute path to this update-site. I did the "Populate the database" option again and got the error show above.

Any help greatly appreciated !

2 answers

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Rajasimhan Mandayam (3811144) | answered Mar 07 '11, 3:32 p.m.
You do not need to modify any of the ini files.

The way it works is

in your dmgrProfile/config/RTC/rtcAppServer/v2002

The file is unzipped

You could unzip it your self to overwrite whatever is there.
Note the user running WAS has to be able to access these files.

Then synchronize nodes in WAS so that these files are pushed to other nodes.

Then go back to setup, logout/close all windows, log back in,
start from the beginning and go through setup through setup.

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Mark Howell (1143) | answered Mar 08 '11, 4:14 a.m.
You do not need to modify any of the ini files.

The way it works is

in your dmgrProfile/config/RTC/rtcAppServer/v2002

The file is unzipped

You could unzip it your self to overwrite whatever is there.
Note the user running WAS has to be able to access these files.

Then synchronize nodes in WAS so that these files are pushed to other nodes.

Then go back to setup, logout/close all windows, log back in,
start from the beginning and go through setup through setup.

Changed the profile.ini back to its vanilla setting and started again and got the same error:

CRRAM701E: Database - Error - Repo Tools CRJAZ0287I Failed to install the bundle "file:/usr/websphere6/was61DTa_A76/AppServer/config/cells/was61DTa_A76Network/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/conf/../update-site/plugins/". CRJAZ0288I Failed to install the profile feature "" from the update site "file:../update-site" referenced in the profile file "/usr/websphere6/was61DTa_A76/AppServer/config/cells/was61DTa_A76Network/RTC/RTCServerDevTst01/v2002/jazz/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles/profile.ini". CRJAZ1225I Migration failed.

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