How to config lifecycle for Asset Type by RAM API
2 answers
We have not added APIs to update lifecycles to the public Java API. We have created some REST services that will allow you to modify lifecycles. From the Web or Web Services app you can get a list of Community Lifecycles therough the URL...
From this list you will get the URL for each lifecycle configured on a community.
On each lifecycle you can perform an HTTP GET to get the details PUT to update a lifecycle and DELETE a lifecycle.
You can perform an HTTP POST on the community lifecycle feed to create a new lifecycle.
To GET or PUT a specific assets lifecycle you can use the URL
From this list you will get the URL for each lifecycle configured on a community.
On each lifecycle you can perform an HTTP GET to get the details PUT to update a lifecycle and DELETE a lifecycle.
You can perform an HTTP POST on the community lifecycle feed to create a new lifecycle.
To GET or PUT a specific assets lifecycle you can use the URL