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Best way to report on progress to organizational managers?

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Mar 03 '11, 2:44 p.m.
We have categories setup based on FUNCTIONAL teams of mixed members (dev, QA, BA, etc). However, I need to report progress on individuals to the ORGANIZATIONAL managers. For example, the dev manager needs to see the progress of all the dev folks, the QA manager all the QA folks, etc. I have created both functional and organizational teams under Team Areas, but this doesn't appear to be useful yet.

How can I get the organizational managers the information they want based on the Organizational Teams I created, even though the project is being managed based on the Functional Teams? What I would really like to get them is the Developers Dashboard from Plan View, but of course that only works for the Functional Teams since the Functional Teams are associated with the Project Categories.

Michael Shan commented Jan 31 '13, 12:54 a.m.

I have the same need and I'm wondering if RTC can provide such a functionality.  

Hope that somebody from the RTC team can give us a hand...

2 answers

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Daniel Toczala (88211514) | answered Jan 31 '13, 10:23 a.m.
 We do this all of the time.  I use dashboards.  I provide dashboard pages targeted to specific roles (like QA, development, etc.), and populate them with widgets displaying high level information from all of their different projects.

In addition, I also provide a widget with links to the individual projects being supported, so those organizational managers can drill into those projects experiencing difficulties and understand the context of the situation.  For some situations, the query widget is useful as well.  It will provide a list of links so managers can run informative queries right from the dashboard.

Michael Shan commented Feb 01 '13, 2:03 a.m.

Thanks so much for providing the information, Daniel. I tried the widgets on the dashboard but I did not find one that is suitable for my needs. Could you give me some further help?

Basically, I've created queries for each team member, so that I know the workload of each person and the progress of each work item so far. The query result is shown in the image below. I don't want to use plans because some team members work on multiple projects and I need to retrieve work items from different places and iterations.

However, I don't have the sum of all the estimate effort and the percentage completed for each work item. 

Any help you can provide will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Daniel Toczala (88211514) | answered Feb 01 '13, 12:53 p.m.
There is really no way to "roll up" this type of information so you get some sort of "hours remaining" or "percent complete" metric.

What we typically do is have work item query widgets which list the outstanding work, or a widget with a list of the applicable queries, which managers can go in and look at (as you show above).  At that point it is up to the manager to drill into the details of each assignment, and determine how much of a backlog of work there is.

Michael Shan commented Feb 04 '13, 2:38 a.m.

I see, Daniel. Thanks for the information. 

Hope that RTC team can create such a report or widget template in the future. Managers are usually busy and they would like everything in the same report. They won't like spending too much time to drill down to find the information they need, I think.

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