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Changing RTC port to 80

Bala Rajamani (31117) | asked Feb 22 '11, 5:35 p.m.

Currently running RTC 3.0 on port 9080, wondering is there any possibility to change to the standard port 80? Making this will help us to create a user friendly urls to the RTC environment.

Thanks in advance,

4 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 22 '11, 6:24 p.m.

Currently running RTC 3.0 on port 9080, wondering is there any possibility to change to the standard port 80? Making this will help us to create a user friendly urls to the RTC environment.

Thanks in advance,


If you are using Tomcat - go to the <install>\server\tomcat\conf directory and look in the server.xml file. The ports settings are usually in there.

You may need to edit your public URI too (from the server admin pages on RTC via the webUI)

Finally - most people use https (port 9443) rather than http (port 8080) - check your references to 9443 too.


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Bala Rajamani (31117) | answered Feb 23 '11, 10:02 a.m.
Thanks for the reply.

We are using RTC for internal development and thought of moving to Non-SSL to gain some performance.

Currently, we are using RTC on WebSphere/DB2. Earlier, I tired changing the public URI to port 80 but received an error. Does it mean that I need to change the port on JTS & CCM properties before running the JTS setup?


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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 23 '11, 5:07 p.m.
Thanks for the reply.

We are using RTC for internal development and thought of moving to Non-SSL to gain some performance.

Currently, we are using RTC on WebSphere/DB2. Earlier, I tired changing the public URI to port 80 but received an error. Does it mean that I need to change the port on JTS & CCM properties before running the JTS setup?


Ah - port settings on WAS I am not too sure about. I suspect you need to set the ports on WAS, and then run setup (jts/setup alters the values).

Anyone else able to help here?


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Sudhakar Frederick (80113631) | answered Feb 23 '11, 8:23 p.m.
To get this working properly you should get a HTTP server
(IIS/Apache/IHS) in front of WAS. Although describes a more advanced scenario,
you can follow just the steps in the section "Installing and configuring
the IBM HTTP Server and Web-server plug-ins"

On 24/02/2011 2:08 AM, bala72 wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

We are using RTC for internal development and thought of moving to
Non-SSL to gain some performance.

Currently, we are using RTC on WebSphere/DB2. Earlier, I tired
changing the public URI to port 80 but received an error. Does it
mean that I need to change the port on JTS& CCM properties
before running the JTS setup?


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