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RSA Does not have the Team Artifacts to connect to RTC 3

Scott Raley (13542931) | asked Feb 01 '11, 12:19 p.m.
Referring to
I have RTC 3 running and the jazz is setup with a RTC Project created. Going into RSA Standard (not websphere) I don't see the team artifact view to connect to RTC. I checked installation manager and I have the RTC debug extension installed but see nothing else in RSA. Do I need to install the RTC Eclipse IDE piece? What am I missing since I can't find instructions searching through the forums of getting installed what I need to connect the two together. Thanks

12 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 01 '11, 2:21 p.m.
Referring to
I have RTC 3 running and the jazz is setup with a RTC Project created. Going into RSA Standard (not websphere) I don't see the team artifact view to connect to RTC. I checked installation manager and I have the RTC debug extension installed but see nothing else in RSA. Do I need to install the RTC Eclipse IDE piece? What am I missing since I can't find instructions searching through the forums of getting installed what I need to connect the two together. Thanks


I assume you are using RSA v8.x

You do need to install RTC into RSA (the Eclipse IDE piece you mention above). An easy way is to get the Web Installer from the downloads page and then use the Installation Manager to install the RTC Client. When you start that install, you will see an option to install into an existing Eclipse instance. At that stage, point to your RSA installation and that will install the RTC plugin into RSA without all the Eclipse bits that would normally be required.

BTW - the debug extension is a very neat capability in RAD (and RSA) where you can "park" your debug session on the Jazz server and someone else can pick it up and continue debugging.



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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 01 '11, 7:24 p.m.
okay I didn't notice that on the rtc installation. Can I just install the RTC for Eclipse IDE thats on the downloads page or someway to add this through installation manager if I rerun the web installer launchpad?

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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 02 '11, 11:08 a.m.
I assume you are using RSA v8.x

You do need to install RTC into RSA (the Eclipse IDE piece you mention above). An easy way is to get the Web Installer from the downloads page and then use the Installation Manager to install the RTC Client. When you start that install, you will see an option to install into an existing Eclipse instance. At that stage, point to your RSA installation and that will install the RTC plugin into RSA without all the Eclipse bits that would normally be required.

I downloaded the Eclipse RTC IDE and unzipped and went into RSA and pointed to the folder that RSA automatically dug down to find the config and xml file for the repository and lists nothing to install. If I go into Jazz team server installation manager and remove RTC, can you tell me on what screen in the web install I should see the box that I missed to integrate RSA ? Thanks

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 02 '11, 11:53 a.m.
I assume you are using RSA v8.x

You do need to install RTC into RSA (the Eclipse IDE piece you mention above). An easy way is to get the Web Installer from the downloads page and then use the Installation Manager to install the RTC Client. When you start that install, you will see an option to install into an existing Eclipse instance. At that stage, point to your RSA installation and that will install the RTC plugin into RSA without all the Eclipse bits that would normally be required.

I downloaded the Eclipse RTC IDE and unzipped and went into RSA and pointed to the folder that RSA automatically dug down to find the config and xml file for the repository and lists nothing to install. If I go into Jazz team server installation manager and remove RTC, can you tell me on what screen in the web install I should see the box that I missed to integrate RSA ? Thanks

Hi Scott

There are a few ways to do this - but if you use the Web-Installer version of RTC - this will be the easiest as it has all the pointers set up to grab the 3.0 release. Go to this page:

and the first section is entitled Web Installers and there is a subsection called Zip. Download the file for your platform and unzip the contents. That will contain an executable called Launchpad.exe (or .sh on Linux). Start that. Then you want the option to install the client (Install Optional Tools -> Rational Team Concert - Client for Eclipse IDE). This launches Installation Manager (IM) for you.

IM prompts for your login.

I already have the RTC client installed outside of RTC, so it asks me if I want to continue installing the package (ie RTC) into a new group. You may not see that dialog box (don't panic at this point - all is well regardless of whether you see this dialog or not).

Accept license agreement and it will then come up with a screen entitled Install Packages with an option to Use existing package group (you have to select this rather than the default which is Create New Package Group). You should also see a list of applications installed on your machine that could be Eclipse shells for RTC. Your RSA installation is probably in the package group named IBM Software Delivery Platform. Select this and check the Details info below mentions RSA v8.

In my case, I have RTC 2 already installed into RSA v8 - so I have go to back and uninstall the older RTC plugin from RSA before I can proceed.

Hope that helps (and apologies if this was a bit long winded)


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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 02 '11, 11:59 a.m.
I assume you are using RSA v8.x

You do need to install RTC into RSA (the Eclipse IDE piece you mention above). An easy way is to get the Web Installer from the downloads page and then use the Installation Manager to install the RTC Client. When you start that install, you will see an option to install into an existing Eclipse instance. At that stage, point to your RSA installation and that will install the RTC plugin into RSA without all the Eclipse bits that would normally be required.

I downloaded the Eclipse RTC IDE and unzipped and went into RSA and pointed to the folder that RSA automatically dug down to find the config and xml file for the repository and lists nothing to install. If I go into Jazz team server installation manager and remove RTC, can you tell me on what screen in the web install I should see the box that I missed to integrate RSA ? Thanks

Hi Scott

There are a few ways to do this - but if you use the Web-Installer version of RTC - this will be the easiest as it has all the pointers set up to grab the 3.0 release. Go to this page:

and the first section is entitled Web Installers and there is a subsection called Zip. Download the file for your platform and unzip the contents. That will contain an executable called Launchpad.exe (or .sh on Linux). Start that. Then you want the option to install the client (Install Optional Tools -> Rational Team Concert - Client for Eclipse IDE). This launches Installation Manager (IM) for you.

IM prompts for your login.

I already have the RTC client installed outside of RTC, so it asks me if I want to continue installing the package (ie RTC) into a new group. You may not see that dialog box (don't panic at this point - all is well regardless of whether you see this dialog or not).

Accept license agreement and it will then come up with a screen entitled Install Packages with an option to Use existing package group (you have to select this rather than the default which is Create New Package Group). You should also see a list of applications installed on your machine that could be Eclipse shells for RTC. Your RSA installation is probably in the package group named IBM Software Delivery Platform. Select this and check the Details info below mentions RSA v8.

In my case, I have RTC 2 already installed into RSA v8 - so I have go to back and uninstall the older RTC plugin from RSA before I can proceed.

Hope that helps (and apologies if this was a bit long winded)


No this helps alot and I'm at that screen now to select packages. I was scratching around to find this screen. thanks you for the explaination. Now its downloading and we'll se what happens next :)

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 02 '11, 5:13 p.m.

No this helps alot and I'm at that screen now to select packages. I was scratching around to find this screen. thanks you for the explaination. Now its downloading and we'll se what happens next :)

Excellent - let us know how it all works out (I am about to go through the same process once I have uninstalled the v2 bits from my copy of RSA v8).



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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 02 '11, 6:50 p.m.

No this helps alot and I'm at that screen now to select packages. I was scratching around to find this screen. thanks you for the explaination. Now its downloading and we'll se what happens next :)

Excellent - let us know how it all works out (I am about to go through the same process once I have uninstalled the v2 bits from my copy of RSA v8).


Nope didn't work, redid the RTC to install into the SDP/SDPShared package that installation manager says at the bottom RSA is in. I now have new things in the team view of RSA but do not have the team artifacts I was told to open and create the workspace/stream.

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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 03 '11, 6:34 a.m.
Okay I did a reboot and when I launch RSA on the splash screen it states RTC 3.0 but per the developerworks article I was pointed to, to connect to create the connection to my RTC project area I don't have the Team -> Team Artifacts view.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Feb 03 '11, 2:28 p.m.
Okay I did a reboot and when I launch RSA on the splash screen it states RTC 3.0 but per the developerworks article I was pointed to, to connect to create the connection to my RTC project area I don't have the Team -> Team Artifacts view.

Hi Scott

OK - try starting RSA in a new workspace and with the parameter -clean from the commandline. The -clean will reset the plugins, and the new workspace will make sure you don't have any lingering references to anything lying around.

Your commandline will need to have <rsa> -data <workspace> -clean.

Then go to Windows->Open Perspective and search for Work Items - this is the perspective you want to see to check everything is installed.



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Scott Raley (13542931) | answered Feb 03 '11, 2:37 p.m.
SOrry I did not respond to this quick enough but I did figure out about the workspace item perspective and got the artifacts up and got a connection created but haven't finished since my project right clicking on it, going to team the share is greyed out. I think I need to verify my stream to workspace. but I did create the connection without error to RTC and it created the project. I logged into RTC and saw the project there.

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