How to show team members with their roles specific to that team in a dashboard widget?
We have a team leader role and a stakeholder role, it's quite common for a team leader of one team to be listed as a stakeholder of another team, but that means that the team member widget will show multiple people all with the team leader role.
Any idea how to fix this?
Using 5.0.2 if that makes a difference
One answer
Role assignment in a project area or team area is inherited in all (sub) team areas. When you open a team dashboard, the Team Members widget (with the current team area selected) should display the sum of the roles (assigned in the current team area + inherited from higher hierarchy). There should not be any confusion.
For example, Bob is Stakeholder in the project area level, Scum Master in Team A, and Team Member in Team B. The result will be, in project area dashboard, Bob is shown to have role Stakeholder, in Team A dashboard, Scum Master + Stakeholder, and in Team B dashboard, Team Member + Stakeholder.
That is not the behaviour we are seeing, if we do that then Bob would show as Team Member + Scrum Master + Stakeholder in both team's dashboards.
We are using a functional project rather than a scrum project so I don't know if that has any bearing.
Also, if that is how the team members widget is meant to work is there a way of doing what I want? I want someone to be able to look at what roles people have in that specific team. So for example if we have team A with Bob as the Scrum Master and then we have a sub team B with Bill as the Scrum Master how do I show on team B's dashboard who is the actual Scrum Master of the team?
Not showing the inherited roles may turn out to be more problematic. The role(s) assigned in current team will be shown first, so there will be no confusion. Basically, the first role shown for the user is the role assigned in that team area, unless you don't assign a role at all, then the role inherited will be shown as the first.
From what you said, roles assigned in the other team (not the parent team) are also shown, which does not make sense. Make sure that the right team is selected for the widget. If it keeps behaving like what you said, you will need to contact Support.
P.S. I've tested with a Scrum based and a formal project area and observed the same behaviors, as expected.