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Read-only attribute based on role of logged in user

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Jan 31 '11, 5:20 p.m.
I am customizing a work item type, and I have a field that I wish to restrict editability to only members of a certain ROLE, like a release team. I can restrict the ability modify via the role configuration for that field, but the UI (Web and Eclipse) both make it editable and only give the error on the Save action. Is there a way to get the field to be read-only if the logged-in user does not have a specific role? I would like to still have the field visible for others, as it is an important piece of data.


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 04 '11, 3:06 a.m.
Hi Susan,

this seems to be not possible today, unless I am missing something fundamental. This is not supported. The Read-Only can only be selected globally at the attribute. In the editor presentation it is only possible to either select to inherit this from the attribute (default) or override that value with true or false.



I am customizing a work item type, and I have a field that I wish to restrict editability to only members of a certain ROLE, like a release team. I can restrict the ability modify via the role configuration for that field, but the UI (Web and Eclipse) both make it editable and only give the error on the Save action. Is there a way to get the field to be read-only if the logged-in user does not have a specific role? I would like to still have the field visible for others, as it is an important piece of data.


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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Feb 04 '11, 8:18 a.m.
Thanks, I have submitted Enhancement 152410 for this request.


Hi Susan,

this seems to be not possible today, unless I am missing something fundamental. This is not supported. The Read-Only can only be selected globally at the attribute. In the editor presentation it is only possible to either select to inherit this from the attribute (default) or override that value with true or false.



I am customizing a work item type, and I have a field that I wish to restrict editability to only members of a certain ROLE, like a release team. I can restrict the ability modify via the role configuration for that field, but the UI (Web and Eclipse) both make it editable and only give the error on the Save action. Is there a way to get the field to be read-only if the logged-in user does not have a specific role? I would like to still have the field visible for others, as it is an important piece of data.


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