Performance consideration of CVS server location.
One answer
There is no server side support in RTC for communicating to CVS. If you
want to use CVS with RTC, you would be using the CVS client that is
provided by Eclipse on which RTC and Jazz is built (i.e. the RTC client
communicates to the CVS server). I'm not sure what type of intgration
between CQ and CVS you are hoping to get from RTC but I should also
point out that the only integration between CVS and Jazz work items is
through Mylyn and the Jazz Mylyn incubator.
kmayfiel wrote:
want to use CVS with RTC, you would be using the CVS client that is
provided by Eclipse on which RTC and Jazz is built (i.e. the RTC client
communicates to the CVS server). I'm not sure what type of intgration
between CQ and CVS you are hoping to get from RTC but I should also
point out that the only integration between CVS and Jazz work items is
through Mylyn and the Jazz Mylyn incubator.
kmayfiel wrote:
If using CQ and CVS with RTC, would the best performance be achieved
by having the CVS server located on the same LAN as the RTC server?
Does the RTC clients communicated to the RTC Server to obtain CVS
extract, or does it communicate directly with CVS?