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Permission question

T M (8878188143) | asked Jan 27 '11, 12:42 p.m.
User "A" is a member of Team "T". "A" has the role of Team Member (Scrum process) in "T". Repository permission for "A" is Jazzusers and "A" has developer license assigned. Deliver permission is given to the role Team Member in Team Configuration -> Permissions. When "A" tries to deliver then an error comes as: You don't have permission to Deliver .
But when "Everyone (default)" role is given the permission in the deliver section (Team Configuration -> Permissions -> Source control -> Deliver) there is no problem in the deliver operation and it works fine. Is this a requirement to give permission at "Everyone (default)" role or am I missing something here?


2 answers

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David Castellanos (20686) | answered Jan 27 '11, 1:22 p.m.
Hi Theju,

I would check which process area governs your delivery - who owns the Stream? Does user "A" have appropriate permissions within that context?
Also, look at the configuration for your iterations. Have you defined any?

A good read on how process lookup works in RTC:

permanent link
T M (8878188143) | answered Feb 01 '11, 11:34 a.m.
Thanks! The project area was owning the stream and "A" is not a member of the project but a member of team "T". After changing the stream owner from project to the team it worked!


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