Error in Insight/Common Rerporting

I Installed my RCR ( that is very the same from Insight) and i could enter the website but then i re-start my server and i got this message :
DPR-ERR-2109 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing. Contact your administrator if this problem persists
Can anyone help me please :S?
DPR-ERR-2109 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing. Contact your administrator if this problem persists
Can anyone help me please :S?
5 answers

Cesar - I'm glad you solved your problem. So you know, Rational Insight and Rational Common Reporting, while similar and both based on Cognos, are two separate products (RCR is part of RQM) with different install and configuration steps.
Sudha - Please start a new top level forum post for a new topic such as LDAP configuration. By keeping each top level post to a single issue you are more likely to attract people to your issue.
Sudha - Please start a new top level forum post for a new topic such as LDAP configuration. By keeping each top level post to a single issue you are more likely to attract people to your issue.