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Deleting streams

Jeff Foege (45266960) | asked Jan 19 '11, 5:42 p.m.
I have a question that I cant seem to find the answer for. From the help file it states that Streams are like branches in other SCM systems. If that is the case then can you restrict a user from deleting a stream? If you cant stop a user from deleting a stream then is there a potential for losing code? I was searching through the forums and didnt find the information I was looking for. I did find information how you cant restrict read access at the file level which is an enhancement already filed.

I did see the "Process Configuration" tab in the project area editor. Under Team Config > Permissions you can see a permitted action "Save Stream (server) > Modify > Stream > Delete a stream"

I tried limiting access using this an a test user but the test user was still able to delete the stream.

I did find that article on multiple streams which did clear up some of my questions.

I should mention that I'm new to RTC but not new to SCM. I've been a Perforce administrator for the last 6 years. Perforce handles things way different than RTC and I'm just trying to get a handle on it all.

Thanks in advance!


4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 20 '11, 10:45 a.m.
Hi Jeff,

you should be able to restrict who can delete a stream.

Why it did not work for you could be because a typical user would have the default role and another role that is not default for example developer. Permissions would be looked up for all roles a user has, including the default role. See

I'd suggest to check for the user you tried, if he still has the permission via another role. Also check whom the stream is owned by. Teams can also override the inherited permissions per role.

To get a better overview about roles you can, in the Eclipse Client, click on a project and in the context menu run "Generate Runtime Report" and review the exported data.



I have a question that I cant seem to find the answer for. From the help file it states that Streams are like branches in other SCM systems. If that is the case then can you restrict a user from deleting a stream? If you cant stop a user from deleting a stream then is there a potential for losing code? I was searching through the forums and didnt find the information I was looking for. I did find information how you cant restrict read access at the file level which is an enhancement already filed.

I did see the "Process Configuration" tab in the project area editor. Under Team Config > Permissions you can see a permitted action "Save Stream (server) > Modify > Stream > Delete a stream"

I tried limiting access using this an a test user but the test user was still able to delete the stream.

I did find that article on multiple streams which did clear up some of my questions.

I should mention that I'm new to RTC but not new to SCM. I've been a Perforce administrator for the last 6 years. Perforce handles things way different than RTC and I'm just trying to get a handle on it all.

Thanks in advance!


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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jan 20 '11, 11:21 a.m.
Also, deleting a stream does not delete a component. The component will still exist with all the baselines that were created while it existed in the stream.

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Jeff Foege (45266960) | answered Jan 20 '11, 12:12 p.m.
Thanks Ralph!

I did have the roles and users setup right except the stream owner. When I changed it to be owned by the project the test user wasn't able to modify or delete the stream.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 20 '11, 12:44 p.m.
Great news Jeff!

The trick should also work if the stream is owned by a team. The owner sets the rules. The only difference really is, that the roles/permissions will be checked over the team hierarchy, up to the project, and across all roles of the user in this hierarchy.

I think the trick is to understand which roles the user has in a certain context, to understand the given permissions.



Thanks Ralph!

I did have the roles and users setup right except the stream owner. When I changed it to be owned by the project the test user wasn't able to modify or delete the stream.

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