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over 500 streams on a Project Area

r c (3155) | asked Jan 17 '11, 6:13 a.m.
Hi Guys,

We want to install rtc 3.0 in our enterprise, actually we have clearcase as scm repository and we want replace it to rtc.
Now, we have 4 streams for every project, one for every production environment (DEV, INTEG, PREPROD and PRODUC) and these streams have one component that contains the project.
In the migration to rtc we want to maintain the same structure, and here is my question, is viable to have over 500 streams in one project Area?.


5 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 17 '11, 8:08 a.m.
Hi Guys,

We want to install rtc 3.0 in our enterprise, actually we have clearcase as scm repository and we want replace it to rtc.
Now, we have 4 streams for every project, one for every production environment (DEV, INTEG, PREPROD and PRODUC) and these streams have one component that contains the project.
In the migration to rtc we want to maintain the same structure, and here is my question, is viable to have over 500 streams in one project Area?.



Not sure if 500 streams is a good idea for a single project area - but let's go back to the original idea of one project with 4 streams. You may want to map each of your projects to a project area directly, rather than all your projects to one project area.



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r c (3155) | answered Jan 17 '11, 9:43 a.m.
Hi Anthony,

First of all, thanks for your answer.
I don't know if i understand you well, Do you say to map one single of our project with a single Project Area?.
I explain our idea. We want to use Project Areas as our organization's departments, in total about 8 Project Areas.
These departments has about 50 - 80 web and batch projects. And with each project, we want to use 4 streams to make delivers between production's environments.
Why do you think that is not a good idea?

And thanks again for your answer.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 17 '11, 12:46 p.m.
Hi Anthony,

First of all, thanks for your answer.
I don't know if i understand you well, Do you say to map one single of our project with a single Project Area?.
I explain our idea. We want to use Project Areas as our organization's departments, in total about 8 Project Areas.
These departments has about 50 - 80 web and batch projects. And with each project, we want to use 4 streams to make delivers between production's environments.
Why do you think that is not a good idea?

And thanks again for your answer.


Thanks for the additional detail. In general, I would use projects areas for projects or programmes, rather than departments. RTC does not really have a department structure - only a way to create different teams working on a project (contained in the project area).

I am not sure what effect having so many stream in a project area would be - perhaps Geoff or someone might be able to confirm if this is (or is not) going to be a problem.



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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jan 17 '11, 10:08 p.m.
The only thing that concerns me is having that many streams displayed in
the GUI in places like the TAN. But the approach I personally would
take would be to start with one project area, and to only partition into
multiple project areas if you actually encounter a problem.

In addition, work item 104614 requests that the TAN partition streams by
team area owners, which should also address this scaling problem.


On 1/17/2011 12:53 PM, kesterto wrote:
Hi Anthony,

First of all, thanks for your answer.
I don't know if i understand you well, Do you say to map one single
of our project with a single Project Area?.
I explain our idea. We want to use Project Areas as our
organization's departments, in total about 8 Project Areas.
These departments has about 50 - 80 web and batch projects. And with
each project, we want to use 4 streams to make delivers between
production's environments.
Why do you think that is not a good idea?

And thanks again for your answer.


Thanks for the additional detail. In general, I would use projects
areas for projects or programmes, rather than departments. RTC does
not really have a department structure - only a way to create
different teams working on a project (contained in the project

I am not sure what effect having so many stream in a project area
would be - perhaps Geoff or someone might be able to confirm if this
is (or is not) going to be a problem.



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r c (3155) | answered Jan 18 '11, 6:02 a.m.
Hi Everyone,

Thanks a lot for your answers.
The problem of create a Project Area for every project is that we will have thousands of project Areas, we think that manage all of them could be impossible.
I don't want imagine if we need to make a change in the process template or any else, we will need to replicate it in all project Areas, one by one.

The idea of create only one project Area, but if we have doubts with 500 streams in one Project Area, with 4000..., the problem also is that eclipse shows all to the user
The division in different projects areas is also to manage the visibility between department groups, actually with team areas aren't possible to manage it.

Our biggest doubt is using 4 streams for every project to deliver individually each project between different production environment.

Best Regards and thanks again,

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