How to deliver a changeset/workitem to 2 different streams?
2 answers
So do we need to provide static comment and workitem within script for checkin and deliver?
I'm not sure what you mean by a "static" comment and workitem, but if your process requires that a comment and/or workitem for a deliver, then yes, the script must specify a comment and/or workitem.
To deliver to two streams in two different operations, use the Pending Changes view, deliver from the workspace to the one stream, then change the flow target of that workspace to the other stream, and then deliver to the other stream.
Note that the result of making Stream2 a flow target of Stream1 is that if you show Stream1 in the Pending Changes view, you will be able to click on "Deliver" to deliver the changes from Stream1 to Stream2, but it will not automatically flow changes from Stream1 to Stream2 (i.e. an explicit GUI gesture will be required to flow the changes from Stream1 to Stream2).
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